Soreness from doing this 30-day challenge, very sore: Advil ? ?

Soreness from doing this 30-day challenge, very sore: Advil ? ?2008-03-09T05:59:01+00:00
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  • edgehH20
    Post count: 41

    Would anyone advise Advil for soreness due to Bikram yoga each day.
    Today was day number 8.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Well done Edge

    Would you mind telling me the source of your pain? Yes it can be painful going everyday. But is it a specific pain, or generalized? I guess we would want to explore whether masking the pain will help you, or whether you really need some anti-inflammatory relief.

    Edge, is your challenge a 30 day, no breaks kind of challenge or are you permitting yourself (or are you permitted) to take a day off?

    Looking forward to your response

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 41

    This is from going to Bikram everyday. i am doing 1-class per day. No breaks are allowed except for only 2 double-classes (no more) which can be used if I reallly need to miss a day.

    It is not really pain, just acheyness. Middle of my shoulder-blades, upper-arms, and back-of-the-legs.

    Post count: 15

    Hi Edge,

    I finished a 30-day challenge a week ago, took one day off, and have now gone another six days straight as I try for 60 days. And all I can say about my own experience is this: pain is inevitable!!

    Well, maybe not *pain* per say, but a general ache and heaviness in my limbs and muscles. The first 15 days were by far the hardest and the most uncomfortable for me. But then, I began to notice that even if my body “hurt” at the start of class, the soreness and stiffness would disappear after the first 20 minutes or so. By the end of my challenge, I felt so incredibly strong and stable that I hardly recognized my own practice.

    One thing that may help your soreness is staying in savasana for a good five to 10 minutes at the end of class. This stillness gives your body a chance to calm down, to recoup all the benefits, and to start repairing itself for tomorrow. I noticed that the longer I’d stay in savasana, the better I’d feel when I got up to leave. Also, as you probably know, making sure you’re re-hydrated will help your system recover more quickly.

    Good luck with your challenge! Even if your body hurts, just remember the yoga is, in actuality, healing that very same hurt. So just keep going. 🙂


    Post count: 1

    I have been often told that soreness is sometimes linked to the lack of hydration. Are you drinking the amount of water you should everyday? Some days I drink so much water that I do not require any during practice and on days I don’t drink enough I feel sore the following day. This may be a healthy alternative to trying a pain reliever. Hope this may help.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Edge

    How are you going with your aches? Has it lessened or even shifted at all since you asked your question? Did you manage to stay drug free? :cheese: Would love to know…

    Keep it up!
    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 41

    hi there, thanks for asking. I am still finding myself achy in the mornings upon waking up and I believe that to me normal.
    I think I took something a couple of nights ago, but I am not in pain just achy and all is well once I get back into that yoga room.

    I am on day 13, and during that posture just before triangle, I am just very very close to touching my head to the floor. very exciting, I am sure it will change my whole life. ha ha ha, best, namaste

    Post count: 5

    Hi Edge!

    I’m five days into a 30-day challenge and am taking today off because I was SO sore and stiff yesterday – plus I have to clear off a load of work so I can go to class regularly this week.
    Anyway … yesterday after class I asked my yoga instructor if she could recommend anything to help ease the muscle aches. She suggested milk/milk products or magnesium tablets.
    I went to the pharmacy and asked what they could recommend and they sent me off with a homeopathic treatment.
    It’s Arnica D6 Globuli velati 20g N1
    I started taking it yesterday and already today I feel so much better. Not nearly as sore and I can lift my arms again without everything “screaming”. I live in Germany, where homeopathic remedies are widely available. Not sure if you have access to this, but if you do I definitely recommend trying it!!

    Good luck!


    Post count: 220

    You could try YogaBody pills, I find they help.

    Post count: 24

    Thanks for the recommendation for YogaBody, bonmar! I’m 8 days into a 60 day challenge and I’m finding I need **something** to help with the generalized soreness. I just ordered YogaBody and can’t wait for it to get here!

    Has anyone else found hydration to be connected to an increase in soreness? It’s something that I’d like to explore as I’ve found keeping an appropriate electrolyte balance to be more challenging now that I’m practicing daily.

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