Flexion/Extension question

Flexion/Extension question2011-04-23T01:50:28+00:00
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  • CuencanaAtHeart
    Post count: 3

    Hello All,
    First time posting after much reading/lurking/absorbing (thanks!)…my question is, from what I learned in ‘regular’ yoga over the years, flexion postures were always and immediately to be followed by extension poses and vice versa. In this sequence there are several places where that is not true.
    As much as I respect the sequence as it is, I have a flat lumbar spine and all of the curve that SHOULD gracefully include the whole lumbar spine, is only present in my last spinal bone and the sacrum. For this reason (I think) too much extension leads to strong nerve pain (and a very funny walk for days later.) Any thoughts from some yoga veterans and/or body workers out there?
    Muchas gracias,

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Liana

    It is true that one tries to balance the body’s movements. Can that be done if we do equal forward to backbends in a yoga class? Perhaps, perhaps not.

    We all spend a lot more time in forward bends. So maybe in hot yoga we spend more time balancing out our habitual posture!

    Can I ask you about the state of your sacroiliac joints? Have you got any mobility there albeit small (as is natural)? Is there something preventing you from having your lordotic lumbar spine? What movements make you feel as though you’re getting mobility into your lumbar spine? A flat lumbar spine often indicates a posterior pelvic tilt. I guess I am assuming there would be some small amount of pelvic tilt there. Any other information would be useful! Let’s keep delving

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    Hello Gabrielle,
    Thanks for your quick reply! “) I actually have a congenital fusion on the left side, present with an whole extra vertebrae (L6) which is the one that fused to the sacrum. It appears that I have normal sacroliliac joint movement, but I’ve not been to see a chiropractor in a while to give me additional/objective feedback. I feel that I have good extension in my lumbar spine, ironically flexion seems more uncomfortable and restricted, especially at the L6/S1 juncture. And when I am sore after a class, it’s usually because my spine is locked in extension, preventing me from walking normally and bending forward (think:stick up butt appearance!) Any thoughts?
    Muchas Gracias,
    (that’s how they spell it down here…)

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Liana

    Can you tell me what you do from the waist down in your backbends? Tell me which muscles you are tightening up? Glutes? What kind of pelvis stabilisation are you applying?

    Check in the next time you practise. We may continue this PM or here depending on the outcome.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    Hi there
    I’ve started focusing more on these things after your reply. It seems that there is more strength building now, and less pain and vulnerability post-session. Thanks!

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