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  • cxskate
    Post count: 2

    How is bikram supposed to work when you can’t even do the poses that well or for that long, since your are so tired and heart beating so fast and no time to rest!!?

    Post count: 220

    Bikram Yoga works like a hot damn, (no pun intended) but it takes time. So take it easy, stand still, breath, breath slowly, calmly, just try the poses a little bit. If you feel dizzy, slowly kneel down and calm yourself, then rejoin.

    It takes at LEAST 10 classes for your body to get used to the heat, and it can take YEARS to master the poses. But, fear not, any little bit that you can do will do you worlds of good.

    Keep trying, hang in there and good luck! Report back on how it goes.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Charlie

    Welcome to the forum! 😉

    Can you tell me what your question is exactly? I need to know more. If you are having difficulty it really helps to be specific. For example with the sparse info you have provided, here are a couple of scenarios. You could either be out of shape having not done much exercise and just going through normal acclimatization. OR you could be experiencing something very serious because you could be dehydrated or not having sufficient electrolytes.

    That’s just the tip of the iceberg. I can think of 100 questions I could ask you. But it pays for you to lead us in the right direction. Come back and fill us in.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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