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  • Ilyzium
    Post count: 32

    I did notice an odour the other day at yoga class, and I just assumed it was from someone’s yoga mat because those things can really smell, especially if they don’t wash them regularly or use a spray on it. Although someone did mention to me that supposedly, the cheaper yoga mats don’t breathe enough, so it’s easier for odours to stay trapped.

    Post count: 32

    I’ve tried the sucking in the tummy, while in a Bikram class but in the end I always forget to breathe and I think that is the ultimate challenge for me. Either I practice my breathe doing the poses by inhaling through the nose, or I suck the gut in. Well, either way I must be doing something right, because after doing Bikram for 2 wks I’m seeing more definition in the abs, so I’m thinking my “six pack” might be near…:)

    This is kind of off topic however, I also went shopping the other day and saw the most adorable yoga shorts, they were teeny but adorable and thought to myself that I should just buy them, leave them in the closet and try them on again in 2 months time, so as to motivate myself.

    Post count: 32

    I have to say that this topic is quite inspiring as are all of you who posted here. We all share common goals/whether it is for weight loss, general health, etc. I think the other think that we all share in common is that we’re all very determined to get to the end result, because I know I definitely am!

    Anyway, I’ll speak for myself now. 🙂 I started doing bikram these past 2 wks, after a lifetime of doing everything from indoor cycling, kickboxing, running (hurt my feet from that). Now, I just try to do at least 4 days of bikram/week and 2 other days of power walking for 8km each day. I realize you can’t expect much from your results having ony done it for 2 wks, but i think I’m actually seeing more “ab definition”. Well, my goal is to lose 15 lbs, lower my cortisol by lowering my stress, (the hubby calls me a stress ball), lower my cholesterol, etc. I’m also hoping that I’ll be able to achieve my goals in perhaps 2 months?

    I’m actually amazed at how many people have lost tons of weight from Bikram alone. Never realized that it could actually happen from yoga alone? Well, that’s surprising to me as I always assumed you had to do say tons of cardio like running, etc rather than yoga.

    What I really like about it is that it’s challenging, feel wonderfully relaxed when it’s over, it’s a change from doing regular cardio at a gym, and strangely enough I feel like I’m living in a small village with like minded people. I guess my only pet peeve about my bikram class, is that we’re only allowed to drink water at certain times of the class, so I admit I do find that very frustrating, because being new to yoga, I still feel like I’m “dying” for water at certain times as I’m still not quite accustomed to the heat. I know at my last class I felt like I was going to pass out by the time we were allowed to drink our water.

    Ok, well I certainly hope I didn’t bore any of you with my ranting and raving…;)

    Post count: 32


    Thank you very much for your feedback on this subject. More than ever I feel more encouraged by all the positive benefits of yoga, and I’m feeling more optimistic that maybe Bikram yoga, will be instrumental in reversing all my health issues. I’m tired of taking prescription medication for everything & I think I’ve tried just about everything except yoga, and I figure you never know until you try something. My goal is to do it at least 3-4 times per week for now. Well, we’ll see what happens…

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