One arm 4cm (2inches) shorter than the other

One arm 4cm (2inches) shorter than the other2008-03-06T16:28:08+00:00
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  • Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    I had an accident when I was 12 years old, I fell down a tree and sprained my right wrist. The Ulna bone stopped growing for a while and they did some surgery, but it left my right arm 4 centimeters shorter, and difficult to rotate it.

    With this handicap most poses in the Bikram series is close to impossible to make perfect. Interlacing fingers and create that “steeple” above head for example. The arms get straight, but the hands can not be correct out together, the palm on the right hand gets on the wrist of left hand.

    Trying to grab the heels in forward bend is almot impossible, I reach down with the fingers and it does not matter how much I bend.

    Separate leg strect, impossible to reach down and as the arm is shorter it all gets twisted.

    Standing head to knee, interlacing fingers, well, with one arm 4 cm shorter… the list goes on.

    It is very frustrating and sometimes very disencouraging.

    /Stefan from Sweden
    Posted by Stefan Åkesson on 01/21 at 10:27 PM

    Hi Stefan

    I think if you were in my studio I would work on some slight modifications with you so you could get all the benefits. I do believe it is possible… :cheese:

    For Half Moon instead of interlocking fingers I would grab the left elbow from behind (palm forward) with your fingers. Because both your humerus bones (upper arm bones) are the same length you can focus on a symmetry in effort and position of your shoulders, as well as keep your neck muscles long and decompressed. I can see how you would probably unwittingly cause some tension by trying to reach your left hand.

    I would probably do the same on Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee.

    Other poses:
    A prop could work, but when using a towel or some sort of rigging the muscles in the arms may not work in the best way for the pose and you could worsen your problem.


    I have come up with something that I would love your feedback on.
    Hands2Feet and Sep Leg Stretching would present the same issue.

    When you come forward to the ground, bend the legs and bring the hands round the back of the heels. However left hand grabs under the left heel. Right palm face forward and ‘grab’ behind the back of the ankle. The thumb and fingers will have to slightly envelope the sides just so the hand doesn’t keep sliding up the leg and you can grip properly. Still work the pose by trying to bring the elbows together.
    In Sep Leg, come forward, bend the legs, slide the hands down the back of the calf muscles until the right hand is in similar position to above, and the left hand under and behind the left heel either from behind or at a slight angle. Keep the elbows in close (forearms near the shins).

    In both these poses it means that you can exert the right pull, using your biceps muscles and not your shoulders.

    OK let’s move on. I think you can use the same principle in Standing Head to Knee. Bend over and cup the foot with the left hand with all fingers under the BALL of the foot from the side. Bring the right palm behind the ankle. You do NOT lift the foot you support it. You should be able to take your hands away from your leg and it should stay at 90 degrees (easier with hands in support though 😉 ).

    Floor Bow: Let me know if bending the legs up differently bothers you, because a towel as a prop could make it feel more balanced.

    I think that you would be best not to grab your ankles. First start out like everyone else setting up with your hands behind you (you probably already adjust your hands unconsciously into balance) squeeze your bottom, hips forward, drop head back and then go back with hands in ‘prayer’ (your unique) position. Keep the shoulders relaxed. Moving into and out of this pose in this way is wonderful for strengthening your back.

    Rabbit: I think you need to us a towel here to preserve symmetry. Or, maybe better, grab your left foot further down towards your toes on the sole of your foot with your right hand grabbing your heel. Just focus on the symmetry of the traction forces through your spine to decide your best approach.

    Floor Head to Knee: Focus on the arms bending so elbows point down to the floor to isolate the biceps muscles. I would either use the same grip as the other Head to Knee pose, or would modify the left hand to get more leverage on the stretch by pulling back on the foot with the hand coming over the top of the foot (fingers along the length of the foot). I gave it a try and I think you get better leverage in the second way. Just keep your shoulders out of it.

    Final Twist: first side with your right hand behind you, you probably could do with a 4cm block to lean on. And for the other side, you know, I don’t really think it matters, because you grab the front of the knee, your knee floats off the ground, but you create the traction by pulling against the knee and pushing the knee back into the ground against the pull!

    I have some solid ideas for Floor Intense Stretch or Paschimottanasana (and your final Sit-Up position). But I need to know something: Please tell me when you do your Intense Stretch do you get your legs straight with your back straight, or do you have your legs bent (and back straight) or something else. Your answers will affect mine.

    Stefan try all this stuff out. If you don’t understand what I mean, write back. Or if your minimal rotation makes it difficult I will work on another fix. I will be happy to take some photos for you.

    I am CONFIDENT that you can get as much out of the class as anyone else.

    I think you are amazing.
    Let me know how it goes

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 93


    For Half Moon instead of interlocking fingers I would grab the left elbow from behind (palm forward) with your fingers. Because both your humerus bones (upper arm bones) are the same length you can focus on a symmetry in effort and position of your shoulders, as well as keep your neck muscles long and decompressed. I can see how you would probably unwittingly cause some tension by trying to reach your left hand.

    Camel:[/b] I think that you would be best not to grab your ankles. First start out like everyone else setting up with your hands behind you (you probably already adjust your hands unconsciously into balance) squeeze your bottom, hips forward, drop head back and then go back with hands in ‘prayer’ (your unique) position. Keep the shoulders relaxed. Moving into and out of this pose in this way is wonderful for strengthening your back.

    Floor Head to Knee: Focus on the arms bending so elbows point down to the floor to isolate the biceps muscles. I would either use the same grip as the other Head to Knee pose, or would modify the left hand to get more leverage on the stretch by pulling back on the foot with the hand coming over the top of the foot (fingers along the length of the foot). I gave it a try and I think you get better leverage in the second way. Just keep your shoulders out of it.

    I have some solid ideas for Floor Intense Stretch or Paschimottanasana (and your final Sit-Up position). But I need to know something: Please tell me when you do your Intense Stretch do you get your legs straight with your back straight, or do you have your legs bent (and back straight) or something else. Your answers will affect mine.

    S I will be happy to take some photos for you.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    I can interlock a bit in half moon.

    Please send photos.

    in Intense Stretch my legs are straight.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    So photos it is then!

    I hope you don’t mind but it may take a few days.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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