Click here to discuss Pada Hastasana-Hands To Feet Pose in the forum


  • Said to increase circulation to the brain and adrenal glands
  • Calms nervous system
  • May be good for depression
  • Great for massaging and toning abdominal organs, improving digestion
  • May help with diabetes and hyperacidity
  • Releases lower back
  • Opens hips and sacroiliac joints
  • Helps tone muscular, adrenal and reproductive systems
  • Abdominal contents are massaged and compressed by the spine, the legs and a muscular corset


  • Try lifting your hips rather than the risky aim of simply straightening and locking out your legs
  • Never straighten the legs if it creates a space between your chest and thighs. Always keep your chest pressed against your thighs

Check that you:

  • Keep your elbows pointing backward behind you so that your biceps muscles are activated rather than the shoulders. Some people like the visualization of lifting the elbows upward
  • Relax your neck completely. Check neck engagement is free, by momentarily and imperceptibly nodding and shaking the head. Then let gravity take over and let your head hang