10 year old ankle injury

10 year old ankle injury2008-06-26T15:24:59+00:00
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  • Frippledip
    Post count: 1

    Hello all,

    I am new to hot yoga, and I have a few questions I hope someone here can help me with. First of all, I also have a left ankle that I have to be very careful with. 10 years ago (I am 34 now) I broke, no, shattered my left ankle, and broke the tibula in half. It was brilliantly put back together, and I still have 99% range of movement. What I also have though is a lot of pain. I walk perfectly, unless I’ve been on my feet for over an hour, then I start limping a little. Hot yoga seems to be the only thing I can do (other than swimming) that burns calories without too much stress on my ankle. 3 days of 30 minutes sessions on an elliptical machine just killed me. I’m 5’4″, 140 pounds (trying to lose 15 or 20)

    Anyway, my question is, there are a couple poses that seem to put a little too much strain on one leg. They are the toe stand pose and the fixed firm pose. Are there any variations to these poses I can do?

    My other question is, for some reason I am turning 10 shades of red in class (it was my first) while everyone else is only 2 shades of red, or not red at all. What’s going on? Am I not tolerating the heat? I did feel slightly nauseated, but I thought that was normal. Despite all this, I still want to keep going. I’m 5’4″, 140 pounds (trying to lose 15 or 20). I felt great and light after class, and it seems to have jump started my weight loss when nothing else has worked.

    Thanks for the advice ahead of time….

    Post count: 26

    Hi Frippledip! (your name makes me smile 😆 )

    I can’t help you with your ankle problems, but I can commiserate with you about the 10 shades of red! I also turn very red during Bikram, but I have always turned red during any kind of exercise or exertion. I’m blonde and very fair, so I think that has a lot to due with it. I always make sure to warn the instructor, if they’re new, not to worry about me looking so red. Not only does my face turn red, but sometimes my upper arms and my legs. Very strange, I know but I feel great.

    As long as you feel fine, have no broken blood vessels in you eyes or feel faint; just think of it as a healthy glow!!

    Maybe this will give you some hope, I’ve been practicing Bikram for about 9 months now and I do notice the redness abating at a quicker pace once I’m finished. A nice cool shower helps.

    Good luck in your practice.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Frippledip!

    Your enthusiasm to improve is contagious.

    Would you mind please telling me where exactly you feel the strain when you are in Toe Stand? And at what stage of Fixed Firm you are feeling the problems and where in the legs?

    It will definitely help me help you better, rather than guessing.

    BTW, sorry about the delay in answering…

    Regarding your red face… It is normal for some to have these exaggerated physiological responses at the beginning of practice. They for the most part do lessen over time (and even make surprise reappearances for all of us sometimes too), so unless they are a real bother to you or if you have a suspicion that they point to something less than innocuous, there is nothing to be concerned about. Your peripheral circulation is having a party.

    Regarding weight loss (or shape loss as I prefer to call it), for some this hot yoga really gets things changing … and FAST. Enjoy that. The more you go per week, the faster your body shape will change. How many times per week are you going now?

    Gabrielle 🙂

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