30 Day Challenge Advice…?

30 Day Challenge Advice…?2010-01-28T04:15:49+00:00
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  • Shona
    Post count: 25


    I know I am not the first (and nor will I be the last) to undertake a 30 Day Challenge… however I would love to hear some advice from those who have been there before me…

    I have completed 19 in 19 days, and last night when I got home my whole body was burning up – really hot – and I was absolutely exhausted. I am a walking zombie today at work! What is the best way to get past the exhaustion (and front up again tonight and practice a strong class)?

    I think I am doing all the right things – I’m drinking plenty of water, taking an electrolyte, increasing my protein intake… Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Shona

    Congratulations on getting to where you’re at right now. That shows some great commitment.

    You may not like what I have to tell you!!! I think you need some rest. I think that the 30 day challenge has morphed itself into something less user-friendly. Sure many people can do 19 days in a row. But when forced into it by some ‘competition’ that is created outside of yourself it may not always work for every body.

    The challenges have always been 60 days long with 6 classes per week with one day off. Recovery and rest are just as important to your yoga routine as the yoga itself.

    If you still want to continue with your challenge and not miss a day (because frankly I think at this point you may find missing one, to make it up with 2 in one day, may not be the right choice for you right now), then try going to an early morning class and then go the next day at night time, as late as you can. You will have effectively given your body almost 2 days off.

    Do that once a week if you can at least. You don’t have far to go. It is physically possible to do many, many days in a row. There are people who have committed themselves to a practice because of an outcome that is deeply personal such as, when I go everyday I don’t feel pain in my joints from arthritis. I am not saying you don’t have that kind of outcome, but that it is possible that people do commit to these challenges for reasons that could be simply to do 30 classes for the ‘challenge’.

    Your body is telling you something! I am glad you have covered the basic nutritional aspects. Now it’s time to rest.

    Ah, now I read your message again, you say you want to practice “a strong class”. Hmmm… is it at all possible that you are trying too hard? Using effort and not balancing it with enough ease and surrender? What tensions are you aware of in your body? Please let me know.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 25

    Hi Gabrielle,

    Thank you so much for your advice… A day off may be a good option – and doing a double towards the end is definitely acheivable (the power of positive thinking).

    By “strong class” I mean being present in each posture, going to the edge, and maintaining good alignment and form – not just hanging out. My teacher places a strong focus on releasing tension in the face (especially the jaw) during the poses, and I do feel like I am letting go and recovering in Savasana.

    I think I am just tired. :long:

    Thank you again for your help.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Great Shona

    I am relieved that that suggestion resonated for you. I only have your words. You’d be surprised what is often hidden beneath them. 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

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