30 day challenge after not practising for 3 months

30 day challenge after not practising for 3 months2011-09-03T23:32:08+00:00
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  • randiwrite
    Post count: 1

    Hello Gabrielle and everyone,

    I haven’t been to hot yoga in over 3 months and even then my practise was sporadic. It is what I would call a consistently inconsistent practise…3 or 4 days a week for a month, then not again for 2 weeks. Repeat. And I have been doing that for about 3 years. I need to get back in the habit of attending regularly.

    I am not in very good shape (back and shoulder issues), I rarely exercise, and I need to lose weight. To kick start my practise, I am considering a 30 day challenge starting September 12. Do you think it is a good idea or should I ease myself in slowly, attending a few days a week and work my way up to a 30 day challenge?

    Thank you,

    PS – Off to re-read the Introductory sections of the Hot Yoga Master Class for inspiration.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Randi

    Welcome to the forum! And thanks for the little note about the MasterClass manual. :cheese:

    A very powerful way to approach your 30 day challenge is with an outcome in mind. Attach it – for example – to the way you will be able to be more active because your body aches disappear and (if this appropriate) you’ll be more able to participate with activities with the family. If it’s just attached to say, your wish to lose weight then that may not be a strong enough as that goal in and of itself may not have been sufficient up to now. You’ll work out what that seductive motivation is. It could have something to do with the way you’ll feel WHEN you’ve lost that weight, or done those classes, or the type of person you’ll be because you’ve accomplished it.

    That’s one thing. The other is that I would suggest that you allow some wriggle room in your own ‘rules’ for your challenge. Make sure that you work in a day off per week. Make it 6 days minimum so you don’t wear yourself out and your body can recover.

    It is possible that events beyond your control could make it impossible to attend a class one day. Then you just make sure that you take no other days off that week.

    If you’re happy to start on September 12 then attend 4 classes up until that time and that should get you well on the way to re-developing the stamina and getting body re-acclimatized to the heat. However if you’ve done this yoga for 3 years then you kinda know the score, so if your outcome (see above) is strong enough theoretically there is NO reason why you couldn’t start tomorrow – just as long as you listen to your body (paying attention to your acclimatization process and the way it affects your practice, your hydration and electrolyte needs and any aches or pains that need to be noticed so you can adapt your poses).

    Have fun, let me know what you decide.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 1

    I’m so happy to find this Forum, and to see that there are other people out there who have the same questions that I do!
    I went to about 8 hot yoga classes in July and I loved it! I was limited by my finances at the time so could not continue, however am back on track now.
    I just purchased a 10 class card, and have signed up for a 30 day challenge in November.
    I’m unfit, haven’t really done much exercise in a while… but I’m looking forward to getting back into it and improving my balance, posture and flexibility 🙂
    Hoping to get to at least 5 classes before the challenge starts.

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