60 day challenge

60 day challenge2009-05-03T02:51:56+00:00
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  • abelanger26
    Post count: 55


    I have succeeded my challenge after all! Lots of doubles involved though! I feel so much better. My back isn’t hurting no more. My postures are so much stronger.

    Is it normal that your body becomes stiffer at the end of the challenge. My flexibility really decreased at the end. I worked on my strength instead. My teacher told me to take a couple days off and I should already be more flexible.

    Post count: 106

    Hi Abelanger,
    I completed a 30 day challenge in February in which I went every day for 30 days in a row. Now I have started a 60 day challenge and will go 6 days per week. I found that–at the end of the 30 day challenge–I did feel stiffer and didn’t see a lot of progress in improving my flexibility. I did see a bigger improvement in strength and stamina. However, a week later, the change in everything was just amazing. One of my instructors had told me that the benefits from an extended period of frequent yoga will be seen after you are done more than while doing it. I found that he was absolutely right.

    Congratulations on completing your 60 day challenge!


    Post count: 41

    Just wanted to say how inspiring it is for people to be so dedicated and excited about all this. I just started doing bikram about a week and a half ago and have already noticed major changes in my body, both the way it looks and how I feel. I’m starting this week with the intention of attending yoga 6 days a week for 2 months. It’s something I made up in my mind already but I wanted to get it out there to the universe, hopefully so it will be easier to get past any hard parts or challenges.

    Post count: 220

    Wow, congrats, Abelanger! I know you had a bigger challenge than some with your three jobs and your stiffening and sore body. So my heartfelt congratulations on making it to your goal!

    What’s next for you?

    Post count: 55

    Thanks all! I’m gonna try to keep practicing at least 5 times a week. I got a new job with a very interesting schedule. I can have more time to myself! It’s also summer. I want to practice all the sports I love also.

    Teacher training should be one of my next project within a year. My friend is coming back in july with his training in the advanced series. Hopefully my studio owner will allow me to attend when he guides it. For now I’ll keep on focusing on strength and alignment more than anything else since im flexible like a wet noodle! With that challenge I got so many corrections! It was truly amazing and I’m so glad I managed to finish it.

    Post count: 356

    I have read your struggles and too lend you my heartfelt congrats!!!!!

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