A little bit of inspiration badly needed.

A little bit of inspiration badly needed.2009-01-19T17:56:19+00:00
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  • rumrunner
    Post count: 6


    Not sure if this belongs here or not but I just had something I wanted to ask.

    I’ve tried on several occasions to commit to Bikram Yoga but each time I do something really serious seems to happen which means I can’t practise anymore. On this occasion someone really close to me died – 2 days into my first attempt at a 30 day challenge.

    Although I’m fully aware that none of these events are in anyway connected to my decision to study yoga there is a nagging little voice in my head that keeps saying you’re just a beginner there’s no reason to tempt fate again. But on the other hand I want to make sure I’m as fit and healthy as I can be so that my friends and family don’t ever need to worry about me.

    Any suggestion for helping get the courage to get back into the saddle again?

    Thank you.

    Post count: 356

    all I can say is my heart goes out to you. For me I too have had challenges come up and life changes happen. My experience is that it’s it’s the yoga that carries me through it. Doing what I can each day and in each moment teaches me those principals in life when it too gets hard. good luck and I hope that was helpful

    Post count: 41

    Don’t worry about “Challenges” as such too much. Just do what you can when you can. Remember you get 100% benefit with 100% effort. What represents 100% effort for you will vary from day to day and sometimes moment to moment.

    If you can’t get to a studio try doing a few poses at home as you have time. A little yoga is better than none and not all of it happens on the mat.


    Post count: 36

    My condolences, also.

    I’ve also noticed that sometimes it seems like when I decide to commit and write The Big Check (as opposed to paying per session), that’s when life becomes too weird to allow regular attendance. But I don’t think we’re “tempting fate” or anything like that to pay ahead. Life events are unfolding whether we do yoga or not. But like the yoga itself, we need to listen … and see if it feels right to make a financial commitment or keep things a little more immediate for the time being.

    I am currently in a pay-per-session mode and it feels fine, as I am aiming for two sessions a week, three if possible.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi rumrunner

    I am sorry for your loss and wish you courage to get through your difficult time.

    It does seem that you are looking for some reassurance that what you are doing is OK and that your actions and decisions are independent of the sadness that has befallen you and that practicing your yoga won’t cause you harm.

    I guess what life does is present us with opportunities which at the time may seem the complete opposite to what you intended.

    If I can tell of my experience: the very week I started yoga (maybe the second or third class) was a time that I had a great sadness which although not associated with the death of somebody, was extremely upsetting. I continued to go regardless and what I found was that my sessions were (for a while) very, very upsetting. But somehow that connection in the mirror allowed me to grieve and connect with the unresolved feelings I had (allowing me to process them in a really wonderful way).

    It sounds to me that there could be a kernel of something left undone for you and rather than the yoga causing more of this it may help you dig a little deeper and find some completion.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 6

    Thanks everyone, your words are much appereciated.

    Post count: 41

    hi rumrunner, the class is always for beginners, even for folks who’ve been practicing for quite some time. Although the postures are the same each time, your body is different everyday. So that’s what I think about it being for beginners.

    I think you might find comfort in the class. Nothing is expected of you except to listen to the instructor and do the postures. There might be something good in that for you. The predictability of the class.
    It’s a wonderful way to take care of yourself with the detoxification, encouragement to drink water, and the group dynamic of postures that are done individually.

    i hope you find your peace. xxoxo

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