Advanced Class!!!

Advanced Class!!!2009-05-25T02:54:00+00:00
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  • abelanger26
    Post count: 55

    Hi everyone!

    I just finished an advanced class followed by a regular class! Wow! I’m first of all very proud of myself but secondly, totally exhausted!

    It was my very first time doing the advanced. We decided to create a group once a week at our studio. It’s fun. It’s very hard and there’s no way i can do all the postures but it gives me that crazy challenge I had when I first started Bikram.

    I did a regular class right after because my body was so loose! I had to do it! I pushed very hard and probably did some of my best postures.

    I was wondering how many of you tried the advanced series? Any of you did the training with Bikram for it. A bunch of my teachers are going this june.

    Have a great one!


    Post count: 93

    Exhausted? I would suggest using ayurvedic principles for exercise. If you exhaust yourself you will build up stress and tensions in the body, and the goal of yoga, and all kinds of exercise according to ayurveda, is to release stress and tensions and unfold your true potential.

    I know it is easy to push yourself in Bikram Yoga, but due to a very problematic lower back pain and stiffness I need to take it very easy now, and my Yoga has been taken to new levels from the point of inner awareness!

    Some strengthening poses may feel a bit painful when one is not very fit, but then nasal breathing is the key.

    Do less – accomplish more, and No pain – most gain is good keypoints.

    I beleive Bikram’s phrases like “Kill yourself” and “Push, push, push” is for those very new to yoga and not yet very fit. For them it is a tortyre even just lifting arms up over the head…

    Post count: 55

    i guess the word exhausted doesnt fit perfectly. Would be tired from class. Took a lot of energy to do all this yoga but I’ve never felt better. Well… today… my body is totally sore! 😉

    Post count: 93

    The body usually responds like that when doing something it is not used to.

    But Yoga should give energy and not take energy. But of course when doing the poses it can be some strain, but it is important to not take it too far, just up to the point of strain and then hold back. Just like if you cook water and remove the pan when the water starts to boil, and then when it stops boiling you put it back.

    John Doulliards book “Body, Mind and Sports” changed my life and helped me excel in my sport. he teaches “do less and accomplish more”.

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