Angry with heat

Angry with heat2011-07-26T17:48:01+00:00
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  • Sweatheart
    Post count: 15

    yes, this what happened with me. I was attending bikram almost for a year regulary. I completed the challenge and I was very happy with this. BUT… there was always something not quite right. I am always uncomfortable with it to some degree, but I believed so much in it that I was willing to overlook some discomforts. After all, discomfort is the part of life.

    These discomforts were:

    – overall stress after practice, anxiety.
    – poor sleep
    – sweating in my sleep
    – weight gain

    – dizziness in class now and then (especially after I miss a class)

    My flexibility was downgrading because I was constantly exercizing and I my muscles did not have any rest. When I would miss a week, my flexibility would perform amazingly. Only then I could feel that I am flexible actually. During my regular everyday classes my flexibility was almost non-exsistent, though my strength was definitely growing.

    All in all I stopped. I stopped and I rested. And I felt great. I discovered sleep, I discovered how it can be without consuming too much food in the evening. My body has shrunk and I look good. But I know that I am missing on exercise and it is not only about looks.

    What prevents me from going today? HEAT. I am angry with heat. I believe that it is heat that caused all these discomforts I experienced. I believe that extreme heat for such a prolonged time is not good for body and it causes stress, which in it’s turn causes anxiety afterwards, overeating and sweating, resulting in a poor sleep. When our AC was broken and I was exposed to extra-heat at home I had the same reactions: ruined eating patterns with the prolonged periods of not-eating and then consuming everything ina weird time (usually at nights, when it is cooler), i also had weird sweating patterns and I was stressed all over.

    I also believe that I was able to build heat-tolerance by going every day to bikram. This is true, if I attend every day, I stop sufferring from dizziness during class. And instructors tell that it is important to go every day. And instructors do tell that if you return after the break, your heat tolerance is non-exsistent and you have to build it anew by going every day. This sounds right to me, but WHY???? Why should I endure this heat, which is so unbearable for the heart, which causes my body to experience this stress and which seems to take away the benefits one can expect from slwo exercise – calmness? I know that heat is important for muscles to become more flexible, but WHY it is important???? I am comfortable with my muscles the way they are. I do not want to trick myself into thinking they are better than what they are. I am comfortable with building my own body heat and working with this.

    Am I wrong in understanding the wisdoms of bikram or I am just one of those people who need traditional yoga which is not infused with extra-heating?

    Post count: 15

    Also, I have heard other two reasons why the heat is so valuable: 1) it helps to detox your body through sweating; 2) it helps you to build mental endurance to the sufferring and discomfort. Saunas give the detox effect, and if some time in a heat is most likely beneficial, I do not believe that detox should go for 90 minutes. I think, the negative effects of heat-stress outweight the positive effects of detox in this case. As for mental endurance to sufferring and discomfort, it worked for me until I “realized” that this is what my major goal is – to endure. I want to do more yoga, to apply extra-effort to postures, but the blowing heat makes it really hard and the concentration I have outside of this room is uncomparably stronger and sharper, than I have in this room. Basically I have stopped attending classes when all these doubts flashed through my head.

    I miss my workouts, because I liked the crowd, I liked my motivation and dedication to it, but it is hard to stay motivated and dedicated when I do not believe in it.

    Hot classes really worked for me at the beginning when I needed overwhelming mind-blowing something to distract me from one mind obsession I had at the time. Then 90 minutes class with exurciating heat served the purpose beautifully. I hoped I found what I needed, the lifestyle change so to speak. I was grateful and happy and a believer. However after I took a break after 30-days challenge, I have realized that I do not miss the heat and every day exercise that twists my muscles into exhaustion to the point that I have to sleep on the floor because bed is too soft and all my muscles are aching constantly.

    Post count: 42

    I love your screenname, Sweatheart! Though it sounds like it doesn’t apply to you 🙂 Seems like you have a real problem with the heat!

    I’m not sure what your question is… it sounds like Bikram is not the best fit for you (at least not right now), and that the fairly troublesome complaints you had with it are gone now that you’ve stopped going. Seems crystal clear that some other form of exercise might be right for you?

    The only benefit you mention was that it distracted you from “one mind obsession,” but I bet there are ways of making that happen without getting all the negative stuff.

    Me? I love Bikram, and while the excessive heat can cause me mild symptoms like red patches on my skin and occasional dehydration, I don’t have the major symptoms you mention. In fact, my sleep and diet is better and I’m at the healthiest weight I’ve had my entire adult life. (Although nothing helped my sleep like running–I slept like a rockstar when I trained for the 1/2 marathon!)

    Maybe find something that works better for you and doesn’t cause quite so much emotional turmoil?

    Post count: 15

    Hi RandomFemale! Love your avatar!

    Yea, kind of sad story with my hot yoga, because I really liked it in the beginning. I like that it is full body exercise. I still do. I used to run before, and I do love running, but I have to admit, that a full body exercise is much better. I think that I need just a regular yoga which is pretty much the same, but without a heat. I feel like I want to do more input into postures and outside of the heat room I can play with postures and find a balance and concentration, but in the heated room all I am focused really on is my heat endurance. Like when my AC is broken and it is 95 degrees outside, i really can not do much around the house, I am in survival mode.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sweatheart

    Just wondering, but are you actually looking for a way to get back into your hot yoga? Or are you perhaps resigned to letting it go? I am just trying to work out if you would like some ideas or suggestions… :cheese:

    Gabrielle 🙂

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