anyone read this article?

anyone read this article?2011-01-20T07:02:48+00:00
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  • bunni
    Post count: 60

    I just read this article about Bikram yoga in Details Magazine and wondered what everyone thought:

    I think it is a shame that more emphasis wasn’t put on all the benefits of the yoga; instead the writer made it seem like a big orgy. That definitely hasn’t been my experience. I have been practicing 9 months and have found every studio I have visited throughout the world to be very warm (no pun intended), courteous, and not at all objectifying to women. Maybe the teacher training is different, but even so, why focus on a few people hooking up when there are so many other great things that can come from this practice. I know people can be pretty skeptical about the good things this yoga can do for you, but for me this article lacked a balanced view. I am curious to hear other people’s thoughts…

    Robert Scanlon (Webmaster)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 266

    Hi bunni,

    Thanks for posting the link. It surely is a “media beat up” seeking to sensationalize and dramatize the sexual aspects (notice the adjectives used in the beginning of the article). But that’s journalism for you!

    In my opinion, Bikram seems to love exaggerating his claims and being deliberately provocative … but really who cares? So as far as I am aware, there is much truth in the reporting of the Bikram’s Teacher Training culture (I was never interested in attending for that reason, since I have been by trade an adult education specialist and I find this treatment demeaning and nothing to do with a learning environment. But I’m sure Gabrielle has her views … not sure if she’d come out in public with them though).

    As you say, when it comes down to the day-to-day experience of any decent studio, no-one would dream to behave in such an abusive way … and it’s not what we recommend.

    There are however, those who seem to be attracted to that!

    Makes for a fun, if very misleading read doesn’t it 😉


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hmmm… Interesting indeed.

    Bunni, I don’t think the article is really there to talk about the yoga itself. 😉 It is actually when the writer does talk about the yoga itself is when they make the most mistakes. Ie about the poses. And 5,000 Bikram studios in the world? Oh, come on! You only have to do a little online research to know that is a GROSS over-exaggeration.

    FYI: The legal stuff about patenting yoga poses is wrong. Not possible. But as I say, IMHO that’s not really what this article is about. It’s hard to take something seriously when there are so many mistakes.

    Teacher training, however is very much as it is depicted. I am unsure whether I want to detail what happens at training but it’s not pretty.

    I can say that I was and many continue to be personally sickened by the number of women (and some men too) who fawn around B (or ANYONE for that matter) massaging feet and shoulders, combing and playing with hair. Obviously some go further. Geez, it’s SUPPOSED to be a training program.

    I love the yoga. I am grateful for Bikram yoga and for its huge popularity. Without Bikram we wouldn’t have this wonderful discussion platform.

    So you’re right, TT is not like your studio at all. Thank goodness. Hey but if we’re talking about hooking up, call me a prude, but having graduated teachers ‘on the prowl’, using their status to score at TT is frankly just disgusting. Yeah, I am a bit old fashioned. But tell me, where’s the YOGA in that behavior?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 67

    Just from the first few sentences, this article made me laugh. I mean – not that the Bikram instructors (or the students for that matter) in my studio aren’t all beautiful in their own way, but they are certainly not all blessed with perfect bodies, perfect breasts, etc. One of the things that I like is that there are always a variety of people in the studio – young and old, thin, muscular, overweight, you name it.

    And maybe it’s just because I live in a fairly conservative area – but I’ve NEVER heard any sort of sexually oriented comment from an instructor, another student or anyone else. Never. I can’t even imagine…

    I’ve certainly read plenty of comments where Bikram himself sounds like kind of a crazy guy, but that doesn’t cancel out the benefits of the practice in general. It sounds like this article is nothing but a way to create a sex scandal where there is none.

    I will say – I’ve gotten comments from people who have never done Bikram yoga that it’s “all about parading around in a bikini”. Obviously, you can wear as much clothing as you want, but I will give them the benefit of the doubt – when I first went, I had no idea that it was even possible for me to sweat like I do in class. So maybe if they went to a class, they would have a change of heart about what appropriate clothing is in the heat. And to me – one of the best parts of the practice is learning to focus – to stop paying attention to the people around you and what they are doing (or wearing). If you are going to check out and/or judge other students wardrobes, or to show off your own, you are missing the point, I think.

    Though, I get the same thing and even worse when I talk about doing anti-gravity yoga. It’s not very common and as soon as I explain that it involves a hammock swing so you can hang in inversons and how amazing it feels on your spine I get nothing but wide eyed looks and comments about how it’s a sex swing. Yeesh. It’s such the opposite – and makes you feel like a little kid on a swingset. It’s fun and lighthearted and has nothing at all to do with sex, but some people certainly have a one-track mind.

    Post count: 103

    I saw this posted on a hot yoga blog the other day, and I could only get through half of the article before I lost interest.

    Post count: 58

    This is your own blog right?

    Anyway, I did read the article and the thing that came to mind is when I went to beauty school and all the guys that were attending just to “hook-up”. It’s not as if Bikram TT is the only place it happens.

    I am not really concerned about Bikram the man. The hair playing and foot massaging is weird if you ask me. What I am concerned with is Bikram the practice. So people can think what they want. The yoga I practice has been great for me and what people think of the man, Bikram, doesn’t matter to me.

    Post count: 60

    And to me – one of the best parts of the practice is learning to focus – to stop paying attention to the people around you and what they are doing (or wearing). If you are going to check out and/or judge other students wardrobes, or to show off your own, you are missing the point, I think.

    I couldn’t have said it better myself 🙂

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