Back collapsed during Half Moon Backbend

Back collapsed during Half Moon Backbend2013-12-16T23:32:19+00:00
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  • mavunwemmm
    Post count: 7

    Hi there

    Well yesterday I went too far back in my half moon backbend. In addition to going to far back I was concenctrating on locking out and stretching my arms forward. And as sometimes happens in yoga when you are working on one thing you forget to do the thing that counterbalances it: in this case pushing hips forward. I am also a bit hyper mobile and strength is always my problem.

    Anyway my spine suddenly gave way. That is the only way to describe it. It seemed to just suddenly give way even further back and there was a bit of a crunch. I stumbled and caught my balance.

    At this stage I’m only sore and treating it with ice packs. There was some tingling in the feet for a while after I first did it. The tingling got less throughout the rest of practice (yes I stayed for the rest even though obviously worried) The fact they aren’t tingling now there pleases me.

    But it was really quite scary

    What actually happened? I said what happened to one of my yoga teachers and she almost finished my sentences as though this is a common occurrence.

    Have I walked away with just some sore muscles or should I see a professional to check nothing spinal occurred?

    Much thanks

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Mavunwe

    Before I can answer what happened I would really like to know more about a particular detail. Would you please tell me what you mean by:

    In addition to going to far back I was concenctrating on locking out and stretching my arms forward.

    I am not clear with where your arms are. When you say ‘forward’, could you tell me what that means in relation to your body, your head or …? How could you describe your backbend and while you’re in it at what angle are your arms to your torso? I need some help please to work it out with minimal assumption!

    Gabrielle 🙂

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