Back Hurts

Back Hurts2010-11-09T01:13:22+00:00
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  • Jyoti-Khera
    Post count: 1

    Hi Gabrielle

    While surfing over the internet for some answers to my back ache, I found this forum and started reading through the threads. I found few similar threads, but would really appreciate if you could suggest me specifically in my situation.
    I have been doing Yoga for the past 1 ½ years and last month, I started doing Bikram Yoga. After attending 7-8 classes, I started having tightness in my back(near to shoulder in upper back and middle back mostly). It was so tight, that doing the cat pose on the cat and cow series used to hurt. So I stopped doing Bikram but continued the yoga classes in my club. In those classes I have not been doing any back bends, no high cobras, no camel etc. I have been visiting my physical therapist and she has give me exercises for the spinal mobilization and releasing stress from the back, which I have been doing daily.
    So could you please suggest me if that’s right that I am not doing any back bends or cobras. What poses should I do which would release the tightness from my back and what poses should I not do, for the time being, till my back is healed. Would you suggest a deep tissue massage in my case?

    Thanks a lot

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