Back of knee pain

Back of knee pain2010-11-27T06:32:09+00:00

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  • gloworm
    Post count: 2

    I have been very depressed lately.

    Starting about the end of July 2010 I started having pain in the back of my knee. From then until now I have lost about 50% of my range of motion when trying to get into a Japanese sitting position (i.e. sitting on my heels). I cannot sit on my heels without severe pain coming from the back of my knee. The worst part is, the same thing has started on the right side. I can not bend my knee in any position to the full range of motion that I used to be able to just 4 months ago. Such positions like sitting Indian style are extremely painful. Even lifting my “bent” knee in standing head to knee is painful.
    Some points to consider:
    -doing Bikram 7 months 5 days per week when the pain started.
    -for about three weeks in early August I could only attend once a week due to a move, the break from Bikram did not help with the pain
    -the posture I added at that time was toe stand, I have stopped performing toe for about 3 weeks with no relief
    -I am depressed b/c Bikram has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. I never thought I would be feeling this bad and would decline at such a rapid rate. Not sure if I will ever recover.
    -I have had several Bikram “growing pains” along the way that have resolved on their own. This one is not budging.
    -had an instructor tell me it was b/c I was hyper extending my knee in doing the locked knee poses. While I know this can lead to back knee pain, I am convinced based on knowing my body and my practice that that is not the source.

    Anyone please help.

    Post count: 1


    The pain behind the knee you describe mimics the symptoms of a Patella tendon problem.

    I had the same problem with my left knee recently, which was not yoga related.

    You should go and see an orthopedist. They can tell you whether its strained or torn. Sometimes X-rays do not show tears and an MRI is required to confirm micro tears which could lead to bigger problems if not taken care of properly.

    I would advise a proper knee brace to be worn, rest and aleve for inflammation until properly healed. I waited close to 3 weeks before I went back to hot yoga.

    I occasionally feel residual discomfort which gets less and less frequent. I believe hot yoga done with conscious limitation has helped me greatly.

    Good luck!

    Post count: 2

    Thank you for the information.

    I would like to follow up with a more specific description to see if it still matches what your symptoms were.

    When I stand on my knees (as we do just before camel) I have no pain.

    When I start to recline back to sit on my ankles the pain starts coming in from the left rear part of my left knee and the right rear part of my right knee. I can never get to full Japanese sitting position without extreme pain.

    I do currently take ibuprofen and it helps immensely. I figured an MRI was in order, I just hoped it would heal on its own but it hasn’t shown any signs of letting up. Although since I have backed off to stand and have also taken a few days off from the practice due to travel I have noticed a slight bit of relief.

    Did you take the entire three weeks off? I thought about going in and continuing with the arm movements in the standing series and then do the floor series. Or basically do any posture that does not hurt. I would be very sad, for lack of a better word, if I couldn’t make it into the hot room at all.

    Any more thoughts? Thanks for your time.

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