Balance and Thinking working against each other

Balance and Thinking working against each other2012-01-12T18:57:55+00:00
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  • kfi2000
    Post count: 108

    First of all, I want to thank Gabrielle for the recent email about “thoughtless yoga”. One thing I really appreciate from this practice is that I have greatly improved my ability to turn my mind off, in and out of class. I think a lot in my business, I have to analyze a lot of information. This mind set has creeped into my practice too, sometimes in a good way (I want to know why each pose is the way it is, and how I can improve).

    But, my thinking mind is sabotaging my balance. There may be other issues with my balance too, but I believe thinking is causing me the most problems. I really notice this in Standing Bow, but also in Eagle (yeah, not even technically in the balancing series!). Not as much in standing head to knee, perhaps because this pose has four parts and I can “think” about each one as it progresses. In Standing Bow, well there’s 60 seconds of thinking. Ugh. I find myself anticipating falling out of the pose, and go figure….I fall out of it. Sometimes I’m doing better, but then my mind chimes in “Hey I’m balancing! I may make it!” only to fall out right then. Still other times, its “oh its crowded, if I fall out I may bump into that person”. In one good class, my instructor complemented my form….you guessed it, I promptly fell out. :-S

    I really try to shut this off. By listening to the dialogue. By kicking harder. By focusing on my breathing. By using peripheral vision. By trying to touch the mirror. I even read online somewhere that counting backwards can help….it didn’t. All I could focus on then was how much time left I had to balance.

    There have been times I’ve made it through 60 seconds, but those are few. And as time goes by, it gets worse, because I expect to fall out. Worse when standing on the left leg, but then I expect it to be worse because that has been my experience.

    One instructor said you can’t think your way into balance, your body has to figure it out. Agreed!

    Anyone have any tips for shutting off the brain in this (and other) balance pose?

    – Kristin

    Post count: 108

    So last night I tried something new…..singing! Ok, not out loud, but in my head. During standing bow pose, this actually helped some. Thank you Tony Bennett. I don’t intend to keep singing through all my classes forever, but I hope this will at least break that cycle of anticipation. And besides, if any pose deserves a musical soundtrack, its Standing Bow. 🙂

    I still need to work on this and would still appreciate any tips anyone has to offer.

    – Kristin

    Post count: 70

    This happens to me, too…As you said, usually when I get in a good place and think ‘wow! Look at that, I’m in this pose! I made it!’ then I wobble and fall out. Grrr…What’s up with that??

    I will try the singing thing. That sounds fun if nothing else!


    Post count: 108

    I’m sorry it happens for you, but glad I’m not the only one! Its like you suddenly become aware of yourself, and it just ruins the focus. I hope the singing helps with it. The only other thing I say to myself is “Tighten the bow”…..which summarizes all the physical stuff I need to be doing. I can work that in between song verses. 😉

    Good luck with your progress!

    – Kristin

    Post count: 70

    That is what it’s like. Maybe it’s a lesson in outward focus. 🙂



    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi lovelies

    Well, finding something to focus on sure helps. You see, when you’re in the pose and you all of a sudden become aware of yourself, then what’s happening is you’re zooming in on your thoughts… and voila… you find yourself falling. Judgments happen! (That’s so much better than $#!^ happens :cheese:)

    So, instead, find 5 or so things that you focus on in your physical body. They could be: A deep steady breath, allowing the shoulder to loosen from the socket as your knee presses up and your foot presses back, the front arm forward, shoulder down, and so on.

    You get the picture. There is not enough time to meta-comment on your pose if you’re attending to the physicality of the pose. And paradoxically that’s when your meditation skills start to deepen.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 108

    I agree….and I certainly do try to focus on those physical details. I just find it hard to do that for the entire time, so it is something I need to keep working on. My biggest concern was that I was expecting to fall out. “Real yogis don’t anticipate”, I tell myself, but there I was (am), worrying about my balance before it even became an issue. Hopefully I can break that cycle and get back to focusing on the physical aspects of the posture itself.

    Thank you for your thoughts. I’ll let you know how things progress.

    – Kristin

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Kristin

    How is your balance these days? What exactly are you saying to yourself these days? If it’s still “real yogis don’t anticipate” we’re honestly going to have to help you brainstorm something more empowering. :cheese:

    Let me illustrate this with a command: Please count to 10 without thinking of an antelope. You’re making it hard on yourself asking your mind to process something NOT to do.

    Let me know what you come up with! Hehehe

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 108

    Hi Gabrielle!

    Thanks for inquiring. I’m still struggling with the balance itself, though the anticipation is not at bad as it was. I’ve given up singing for the moment, 😉

    I tend to struggle with balance on the left foot in all the balance poses, including Eagle and toe stand. For Standing Bow, I realized that at one point in my practice I actually could hold the posture for the entire time (on the right foot). That happened a a couple times, then has gotten worse over time. Frustrating! So I figured I would “start all over”, and I’ve been trying to focus more on the dialogue again, listening “word by word” like a newbie, and that helps a little.

    Ok, so I had to think really hard about an elephant to count to ten without thinking of an antelope! Maybe I see where this is going….



    Post count: 70

    I have been having better luck with balance since having the chance to get the Home Practice Kit (THanks, Gabrielle!). The instruction to tighten the abs and reminders to lock out the leg are helpful.
    Still having trouble in Eagle…I wrap my leg as far as possible but when I try to push it to get my toes behind I usually fall out. So I will just stay at my limit and trust that eventually that limit will grow and I will eventually get there.

    I also have to say that the instruction for standing bow was GREATLY helpful. I get such a nice stretch back behind my shoulder blades now – which is sooo helpful because I have so many knots in that area. I am better able to keep my hips lined up properly which causes less stress on my knees. Knowing that the pose is intended to be a backbend was also a revelation and immediately corrected a bunch of stuff. AND it helped to know that holding the ankle was ideal, because that is actually easier for me to do than to hold the foot.

    BTW – Kristin – did you see that this discussion was mentioned in one of the recent e-mails that Gabrielle sends out?! 🙂 🙂 I said ‘hey – I recognize that thread!’….

    Blessings All!


    Post count: 108

    Hi Helen,

    I’m glad you are improving. The tips from Gabrielle’s kit are certainly helpful!

    I think the email you referenced actually sparked my post here….assuming we are talking about the same one.

    I’m with you on Eagle….I can only make the smallest changes (like bringing the knees toward center) or else I fall out. Getting a bit better though!

    Enjoy your yoga!!


    Post count: 70

    I know we will both find our ideal Eagles! 🙂

    The e-mail I think is a follow up to the “Thoughtless Yoga” one…It conatains this:

    “Kristin came up with a way that did something similar. She
    started singing a song in her head. Apparently there wasn’t
    enough space for the admonitions and the song. And guess what?
    The song won. And she stayed in the pose.”

    I can forward it to you if you didn’t get it…


    Post count: 108

    Oh how did I miss that one? I always look forward to those emails. If you can forward it, I would really appreciate it. I even checked my spam folder and its not there.



    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Kristin

    I just forwarded you that email! :cheese:

    Pretty soon we’ll talk ‘eagle’. I have my suspicions! So I will get back to you soon, Helen and Kristin

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 108

    Thanks, I got it!

    I’m happy to “talk eagle” and any other balance pose you feel like exploring. Eagle has slowly improved for me (right side is good, left is always my challenge).

    I actually dreamed last night that I held standing head to knee pose for a really long time….maybe my brain is ready to balance. 😉

    – Kristin

    Post count: 70

    Thank you, Gabrielle…Looking forward to your Eagle thoughts…I have a love/hate relationship with that one…It is one of my favorites but it’s a toughie.

    Post count: 108

    So in today’s class, I finally was able to hold standing bow for the 60 and the 30 second set, on the right leg! Haven’t done this in months. The anticipation is gone. As we neared the end of the 60 seconds, I caught my mind wondering “how much longer?” as well as “hey I’m going to make it!” but quickly shifted my thoughts to the physical sensations, such as kicking more up rather than back. it got me through to the end!

    Left side (standing on the left leg) still causing me problems, but I just get back in it and keep trying.

    Thanks for all the ideas and support.

    – Kristin

    Post count: 70

    Yay!! Glad to hear it!!


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi gals

    Still having trouble in Eagle…I wrap my leg as far as possible but when I try to push it to get my toes behind I usually fall out.

    May I ask you if you sit down as low as you can before you lift your leg over? Can you please put some words to your actions from the moment after you wrap your arms to when you try to peek your toes around your leg and try to correct hips and body position? See if you can describe the shape your body is in and how the legs and body relate to each other.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 70

    Hi Gabrielle!

    I do try to sit as low as I can – which isn’t very far before my knee starts to protest. Still getting stronger in that area. Putting weight into my heels helps. I can usually stay in the pose if I swing my leg over and rest my foot beside my shin. In order to get my toes behind I usually have to kind of ‘wiggle’ them over and try to hook my pinky toe around for some leverage. Or I have to turn my hip to get my foot around. In order to keep it there, though, I have to stay with my hip turned. If I try to then square my body then it’s over. 🙂 Even with the foot next to my shin, though, my body is still kind of off center, one shoulder is lower than the other and usually pulled a bit to one side. I try to fix my shoulders so they are even…The cue to pull my arms downward is helpful in general and has sometimes rescued me from loss of balance. I try to be the shortest person in the room, but going further down on the standing leg usually topples me.



    Post count: 108

    Gabrielle, I read another post of yours recently about Eagle, about not going so low that you tip forward. I’ve worked on that, which has helped some. I also run into trouble because I can’t get my right leg hooked around the left, and in my attempts to get it there I am way out of alignment (hips tilted and not square to the mirror). For some reason I can do it fine while balancing on the right foot….the left leg easily hooks around, my alignment is better (everything lined up and square) and I can sink down lower through the pose.

    Like Helen, my attempts at correction usually mess me up. But even if I’m just trying to hold the position without moving, I still tend to lose balance on the left foot (true with most balance poses for me – my left foot must be deformed, 😉 )


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Helen and Kristin

    The main thing for the moment is this: Sit down low but keep the chest up. THEN slide down. But in trying to be ‘the shortest person in the room’ one NEVER leans forward. The moment you do, you’ve lost it and the hips twist and the body is no longer in balance. Just keep those hips square and the back up. Rather than squeeze the legs together, squash the top leg down onto the bottom one.

    Does that make sense? Do tell :cheese:

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 108

    Yes, and I have been trying exactly that, thanks to you. It certainly helps keeping the upper body upright. once I’m in the position, I try to sink down lower. I only achieve this on the right leg (standing leg), on the left I’m still struggling with the wrap, the balance, and the alignment. Its so odd to me that one side can be so different than the other. Making small improvements though!


    Post count: 70

    I will make sure to keep my chest up in this pose in my next practice…I’m a little confused on sitting low and THEN sliding down. If I am already sitting as low as I can where am I sliding to? 🙂 🙂 Squashing the top leg onto the bottom one is different than I have been doing. Funny how such seemingly little adjustments/changes in the approach to a pose can make such a big difference!


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Helen

    Let me see if I can say that in another way. 😉 When you sit low, it’s with the chest up high. It’s definitely not as low as you can go in set up BUT it’s as low as your hips will go WITHOUT letting your chest come forward. Then sliding down is lowering your hips while still keeping the chest up!

    Is that better?

    Gabrielle 🙂

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