Bikram Yoga and inner thighs

Bikram Yoga and inner thighs2009-09-26T20:11:01+00:00
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  • yogalifer
    Post count: 106

    I have been practicing yoga for close to four years now. I started out doing vinyasa, ashtanga, hatha flow, etc. For the last 1 1/2 years I have only done Bikram. Today I took a deep stretch class that was basically just holding certain yoga poses for longer than usual to get deeply into the stretch.

    I was curious to see if I had gained or lost any particular areas of flexibility by just doing Bikram for so long. I found that my depth was about the same as before in nearly all of the poses. The improvement that I could see was that I wasn’t straining to get there. Additionally, even though these poses are different, I feel like my form was much improved. I was definitely keeping my spine straight in the hamstring stretches instead of just curling forward so that I could feel like I could feel like I was going deep into the pose. My balance has definitely improved. I attribute this to a higher focus on form in Bikram and to this website and Gabrielle’s Master Class.

    All of that said, there was one area in which I noted a deficiency. We did the type of triangle where you keep both legs straight, hips tucked and tilt over with your hand on your shin, ankle of floor. I used to be able to put my palm flat on the floor with this one. Now I can only get my fingertips to touch my ankle. I think this is partly because I might have been cheating in the past and not keeping my hips as tucked as I should. 🙄 However, my inner thigh and groin area were REALLY tight in this pose. I have obviously lost a lot of flexibility in this area.

    Which Bikram poses should I focus on to gain inner thigh flexibility back? I wonder if I haven’t been doing them correctly to have lost so much. Or – maybe I should just mix my yoga types up a bit to get different benefits. Any thoughts?


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Cindy

    Inner thigh flexibility is not really easy with the Bikram series. If you think about it there are few poses that encourage that stretch and those poses are not held very long.

    A great way to get the stretch you want is to spend some time after your class while you are nice and warm doing some yin yoga stretches. There are some great online resources that have pictures and explanations. The long 2 – 5 minute stretches will open that area up very quickly.

    Try stuff like frog, square, dragonfly, sleeping swan. Or find whatever position you like and just stay there!!!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 106

    Hmmm. That’s interesting. I used to go to a hot yoga class in which the instructor (a wonderful woman with a gentle approach)added a dragonfly stretch every class. I always wondered why she did that given that every other pose was Bikram to a T. I’m assuming that she was giving us that extra inner thigh-groin stretch for this reason.

    Thank you so much for the advise!


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