Bikram Yoga & Fainting

Bikram Yoga & Fainting2010-01-20T04:48:05+00:00
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  • Ilyzium
    Post count: 32

    Have you ever personally witnessed anyone faint from doing a Bikram class? I’m just curious because I was in a Bikram class a few days ago. Anyway right after class this woman was mentioning that she felt like she was going to faint. Next thing, she fainted on my friend. The surprising thing is that the Manager on Staff did nothing whatsoever to try to revive this woman, but just shook her head instead. Instead one of the Instructor’s propped her up on a blanket and was fanning her to get her to revive herself. Well when the woman came to, she was given EmergenC with water and that really seemed to help her. The only time I can remember being lightheaded was when we were having a heatwave, the room was overcrowded and the humidity in there was extremely high so I had to lie down for a bit because I had no energy left.

    Post count: 55

    I have seen and experienced it once.

    The man I saw collapse did 7 doubles in a row and did not hydrate properly. The teacher did interrupt the class to elevate his feet and open the door near him until he came back. Then the workstudy took care of him.

    On my side, I had an allergic reaction 3-4 days before and was given adrenaline shot. The drug wasn’t out of my system so my heartbeat was over the top and I was not feeling good at all. When it happened I felt it coming and so did my teacher. I was already on the ground and came back quite fast. I was given electrolytes and the teacher put wet towels on my neck and wrist to cool me off. (I didn’t want to leave the room) I was ok after. It did take me a full day to recover from it. Oh did I learn from that experience.

    I’ve also seen some episodes of massive cramping especially with young athletes of people who over train. Once again, electrolytes and potassium deficiency. I must admit it was very scary and it seems very painful.

    The teachers at our studio do their best to inform about hydrating properly but sometimes incidents like this do happen. That’s why I think it is very important for the staff to be aware of what to do in case of emergencies.

    I’m curious about how the woman was being taking care of at your studio. You never shake someones head when they are out.

    Post count: 98

    I never seen one myself. I did experience a few near-faint.

    Today was my worse class ever. I think I got a cold and took some medicine around 10am. The class was at 2:30pm. I was feeling extremely sleepy during the whole class and had a hard time keeping my eyes open in the floor series.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Ily, Annie and Jeffrey

    Yes Ily, I have seen someone lose consciousness in class but it was only for a moment. He was in backbend (half moon) at the time and fell over. But he did get back up again! He was a real regular and amazingly went on with class as though nothing happened.

    Annie, I am curious about what was causing your high heart rate 3 days after your adrenaline injection. As adrenaline has a clearance rate off minutes rather than days, I imagine it would have been something else. Perhaps another drug? An antihistamine? Emotionally affected by your ordeal? Stress? I guess you may never know. These things happen. Our responses are not always predictable even when all our ducks are lined up in a row, we could have an aberrant reaction.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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