Body Types

Body Types2010-02-17T23:03:07+00:00
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  • robinc.tucker
    Post count: 7

    i am a combo Vata/Pitta and was told Hot Yoga is not the best yoga for me that i should be doing more cooling yoga. Also because i am having numerous hot flashes Hot Yoga is not beneficial. Can anyone help?
    Thank you,

    Post count: 44

    I’m similar. But I figure if I lived in a hot country I’d be doing hot yoga all the time, due to heat and humidity. All the vata/pitta types can’t just up and leave India. That’s my rationale anyway.

    Post count: 7

    Thanks for responding. How do you feel? I haven’t done cool yoga yet to make a comparison. Again thank you.

    Post count: 356

    the only way to really know what is for you is to try it out and see what you like and what feels good in your heart. …. I LOVE my hot yoga and my sauna.( I do cardio training now in my sauna too ) not on the same day of course but…. I feel energized and full of blood/oxygen yet relaxed and calm. My sister on the other hand can not stand it. She went for three months three times a week and just felt sick the whole time. She felt like she was doing her body more harm than good and sticks with cool regular yoga. to each their own… but you have to try something for yourself to know.

    Post count: 7

    hi..the first time i tried Bikram i was hooked so i guess that says something and i am feeling so good…had foot surgery last year so my running days are over and i was burnt out with the weight lifting…the yoga has improved the foot i had surgery on as well as the back and weight is stable. i tried to go to a regular yoga class last week and the class had been cancelled so maybe that was a sign 🙂 Thanks for your input. Once the hip bursitis calms down i will get back to walking for some extra cardio… over 50 with a whole shift in the body taking place so just trying to do the right thing…

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Robin

    I would like to tell you a little true story!

    I am reminded of a couple who used to come to my first 2 public studios. They were the studio regulars coming 5 times and sometimes more per week. They loved it. They both had amazing benefits from the classes. The woman’s arthritis disappeared along with other holistic benefits. The man had some terrible back problems and arthritis all of which also had him living a pain free symptom free life.

    That was UNTIL they started seeing an Ayurvedic practitioner (I have no agenda here except to tell the story btw) who told them they were variously Pitta and Vata/Pitta combinations and they should stop doing hot yoga. They heeded this person’s advice and within 6 months when I bumped into them, their arthritis and back issues were returning. Within a year the husband was scheduling himself for a back operation.

    I can’t say definitively that the yoga would have saved them had they kept on going to class but it does seem that they would have been in a better position.

    The point is that their reliance on someone else’s opinion was stronger than what their experience was serving up.

    I could ask you because I can’t tell from your name whether you are male or female. I was wondering about hormonal challenges of someone in their 50s. I won’t make any assumptions. 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 7

    Hi Gabrielle,

    Thank for taking the time to respond.

    The true story was helpful. i do need to rely on results and my intuition. The first time i went it “felt ” right for me. i am a 53 year old woman and yes hormonally challenged. The body feels like it is going through a huge shift. Bikram is definitely helping with the mood swings. i meditate, but with the yoga i feel even more centered and mindful. Also challenged with a foot surgery in the past year that has left me with 2 screws in 2 toes,hip bursitis and scoliosis. The visits between chiropractic visits has lengthened and the back really feels better. i started Bikram at the end of Dec. i go 3 times a week. For the short time i have going, the results are quite amazing.

    Am just starting to dive into your forum and advice….all helpful and appreciated..
    peace robin
    PS..what a joy to have found such a warm and welcoming place to have my concerns addressed….

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