"Boiling Blood" and Acne

"Boiling Blood" and Acne2009-07-13T21:44:47+00:00
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  • mtcat
    Post count: 14

    I have been having a lot of pimple breakouts on my face recently. I was told by an ayurvedic aesthetician/yogini that my body type (Vada/Pitta) is one that doesn’t respond well to extreme heat. She suggested no hot yoga one week before and no yoga at all during my menses. This aesthetician suggested I do normal temperature yoga one week prior to my period but I just bought a one-year membership to my Bikram studio and am remiss to do other forms (I’m particular to Bikram and also pinching pennies).

    The ayurvedic term for this intolerance is that my “blood boils”. Has anyone ever heard of this term before and is there any woman who adheres to no hot yoga before and during her menses?

    I find this very disruptive. I have gone through two cycles and rather than doing other forms of yoga, I have managed to sit around doing nothing instead! Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

    Post count: 26

    Hi Mtcat,

    This is really interesting – I’m vada/pitta too and I have problems with my skin and it goes hand in hand with my hormonal cycle. I started Bikram in March and in the beginning my skin went quite bad but it seems to be clearing up now. I have notice that my skin does react to heat. I think that yoga could very well balance and clear the skin. I mean does every vada/pitta yoga practitioner for example in India (where it’s pretty hot and humid) have bad skin?

    With me it has been helpful to make sure that my skin is clean before and after the exercise (no make up etc and totally clean towel for wiping the face). I notice a big difference as soon as I even look at a chocolate bar, and hard cheese doesn’t agree with my skin at all. I also notice that after taking Yogabody supplements my skin has improved. I’ve now added another supplement acid-alkaline powder which helps my body to become more alkaline and can then fight the bad germs and infections.

    Already after a few months practice my hormones are balancing so personally I wouldn’t give up about two weeks practice a month.

    Hang in there!
    all the best, Feenix

    Post count: 14

    thanks so much Feenix! i really appreciate the response and it’s encouraged me tremendously. i agree about the hard cheese. it took me years to figure that out. i am working with a dietary therapist now and we’re working out an acid-alkaline diet for me and she’s got me on a myriad of Chinese herbs. and i completely agree and wondered about all the vada/pitta yogis in India. do they just deal with bad skin? i doubt it. they must have balanced out at some point.

    again, thanks so much for the response.


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