Bunion seems to be enhanced

Bunion seems to be enhanced2008-09-20T03:36:02+00:00
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  • edgehH20
    Post count: 41

    Are there any special things I can do to help my bunion on my left foot? (my right foot was corrected years ago).
    It seems that my feet seem bigger (!) when I increase my practice frequency.
    Maybe I am putting un-necessary stress on the foot?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Edge

    I believe that learning balance (in this case physical balance) is a part of your yoga journey that starts at the feet! You have no doubt heard the expression ‘to be grounded’. Well, with the yoga, you learn to be physically grounded. The feet, over time, learn to use more of their muscles and supportive structures to connect you with the earth. So that when you say that your feet seem bigger, I see that as a sign that your feet are adapting to a new more grounded you! This is a good thing.

    On a personal note, I don’t have bunions, but I know that my feet changed with my regular practice too. Instead of spending hours a day cooped up in shoes, my feet were experiencing real work and connection. It improved my pronation too.

    I have noticed over the years that people with bunions find that their feet have to adapt if they are going to be able to balance. The joints that transform as a result of the bunions find some freedom and toes may start to move a bit to spread the weight in the foot.

    I don’t think you are putting to much stress on the feet. Your feet enjoy being out of shoes. Buy bigger shoes. 😉

    There are a couple of things you can do. You can make sure you NEVER ever wear flip flops again (if you do or have ever done), and you can also see if you get any results from those toe separators.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 32

    I am a big runner and before bikram was told I needed orthodics in and outside
    since i now can wear my reg shoes and flipflops again w/ out any foot pain
    however…….. I too noticed a tough painful skin on certain spots of my feet
    that does affect my balance.? some days I’m good w/balancing and others I can’t seem to stand on my own two feet!!!!
    Is this kind of what you’re refering too?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Blue

    I am not entirely sure of what you are asking so please let me know if I don’t answer your question…

    Foot pain is definitely going to have the capacity to affect your balance. As far as flip flops go, my recommendation is to never wear them and that is NOT about pain. It has to do with the mechanism to keep the thing on your foot. The toes have to clench as you walk, and in order for the ‘shoe’ to stay on your foot you will probably notice that your big and second toe have to squeeze together. I have noticed that many people who routinely wear flip flops have deformed feet. The big toe is stronger and is much more involved in your balance. It tends to move toward the second toe to squeeze the little flip flop stalk. If you have feet that tend towards having bunions then flip flops seem to worsen the problem. This is my anecdotal observation and I have not done any clinical trials :cheese:. I have however spoken to podiatrists, physiotherapists, and chiropractor students of mine about this…

    So next time you wear flip flops take a look down to see what you have to do when you are standing still and walking with them on. Can your feet relax? Or are they mostly ‘working’ to keep those things on?

    Would love to hear your thoughts, your opinions, your counter argument 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 32

    this is very true your feet do have to work and “walking” in them is slower and more difficult. I usually only wear them when I am “puttering” or going from home to class ect.
    I was asking I guess is what is a bunion? is it the tough skin on the outside edge of my foot that can be painful? or is that a different condition like a callous?
    ps the “foot pain” I was talking about was the arch of my foot that used to hurt due to it collapsing in. now however I do not experience that pain and can walk/run ect.!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Blue

    I guess to start with, a bunion is a bony bump on the inside of your foot adjacent to your big toe. It can be caused by the wearing of tight shoes, or flip flops that causes the big toe to move in toward the second toe. The once aligned big toe joint now moves out to compensate for the toe moving in. There is often pain and swelling associated with it. And of course the area gets rubbed by shoes etc so callouses often appear.

    So you can see why I believe wearing flip flops exacerbates the problem! And no doubt your arch pain was due to a different issue. I guess you feel happy that it doesn’t bother you anymore. There is nothing like pain-free walking :cheese:

    Gabrielle 🙂

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