Can't get hands under heels

Can't get hands under heels2008-12-27T19:35:56+00:00
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  • newbeginnings
    Post count: 5

    Hello again! After 3 months I still cannot get my hands under my heels. Can’t reach them. ( I DO have quite a bit of an abdomen that gets in my way for a lot of poses) I feel that I should be much further along. My knees are quite bad and if I squat really low, I can’t get back up. I loved your idea of introducing a little space between my feet – thought for sure it would work – but if I get down low enough to get my hands under my heals, that’s where I’m Staying! I’ve been using the back of my calves with fingers pointing down and pulling but I just don’t think I have made much progress. I would Really appreciate your advice. thank you! deb

    Post count: 356

    what about the sides of the feet ?

    Post count: 5

    Haven’t been able to yet…my fingers are reaching but stop about an inch away on both sides

    Post count: 41

    I’ve been practicing just over two years and still can’t get the grip from behind. I think the problem in my case is simply excess bulk getting in the way. I do grab as under the heels from the side and far back as possible with the elbows back as much as I can. I’d love to get this but suspect it is a matter of patience until my waist shrinks more.

    Take Care,

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Deb

    A quick question: when you say

    but if I get down low enough to get my hands under my heals, that’s where I’m Staying!

    do you mean that once your hands are under your heels…
    a) you can only get your hands there, can’t do the pose, your legs stay bent, your body crouched and you can’t lift your hips up and then the only way to get out of the pose is to help yourself up off the floor

    b) you get your hands there, and can lift your hips up and feel some kind of stretch and THEN can only get out of the pose by helping yourself up off the floor!

    So far from what I have learned from your post, I think you are doing the right thing. Let’s just see what results you are getting. So please answer the questions above.

    I would much rather see you grab the back of your ankles as you have been doing than holding from the sides of your feet under your arches.

    The other thing to do (Lee you may like to try this as well!) is make the distance between your feet wider. Yes, the teachers may tell you to keep your feet together but try it with your feet hip width apart (at least once 😉 ).

    You say you are not aware of much progress. Don’t be so concerned about THIS pose, but moreover how you can get similar mechanisms working in the rest of the class: in Standing Sep Leg Intense Stretch, see the blog posting Opening Up Your Hamstrings With Hot Yoga, and in Floor head to knee and Intense Stretch poses.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 36

    oops. wrong area!

    Kathie B
    Post count: 2

    I have a problem with this but I believe it is because of my muscular calves. I always wanted to have thin legs but was giver muscular dancer legs. Can others with muscular calves get their hands to stay back there while they are straightening out?

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