Change in Temperature from Classroom to Outside

Change in Temperature from Classroom to Outside2008-08-11T04:31:59+00:00
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  • MBF1
    Post count: 3

    Hello –

    I live in New England where the temperature famously fluctuates. This past week, it cooled down a little. Surprisingly when I finished the classes and walked to my car, I was shivering. I can only imagine what it feels like to go from 100-degrees to 15-degrees (I’m thinking ahead to the winter). Any thoughts on how best to deal with the temperature extremes? I guess the obvious answer would be to bundle up after class, but thought I’d put this out there to see what others have to say.


    Post count: 26

    Hi MBF1!

    I also live in New England and can understand your concern. During the colder months definitely bring a change of clothes. Even if you don’t have shower facilities, change into your dry clothes. There’s nothing worse than wet clothing going into the cold air. Your whole body will just lock up!

    If you have heated seats in your car, heat those babies up 😆 It will feel great!


    Post count: 41

    I always bring something warm to put over myself, in addition to changing clothing.
    It can be 100 F degrees outside and I’ll think it’s chilly! Always takes me a little bit to re-adjust to temperature.

    Once I stopped at a doctor’s office on the way home from yoga – after taking my temp, asked if I was feeling okay because it was elevated. ha ha,

    Post count: 3

    Thanks for the replies…both have good suggestions for me. Appreciate it.

    Post count: 2

    Hi from Northern Michigan! I have been practicing for 6 mths 3x a week and have gotten totally off of pain killers and muscle relaxers for my back. I love to walk out after last savasana and walk in the cold air out side it seems to relax me more after class

    Post count: 9

    During the warmer seasons I used to just leave the studio in my sweaty clothes since I was heading home to shower anyways. Now that it’s cold, I do a quick wipe down with my towel and change back into street clothes after class. I have to wait for a bus and being outside with sweaty wet clothing is a recipie for catching a cold. My body hates it at first, because it’s still rather hot and I’m putting on pants and a sweatshirt and a jacket, but by the time I’m at the bus stop waiting, my body temp. starts to even out.

    Post count: 16

    Ditto for me. As much as I hate the idea of having to put things like socks on after a class, I know that five seconds after walking out the studio door I will be miserably chilly.

    Also, I’ve noticed that often my elevated body temperature ends up fogging up the interior of my car when I first get in. I laugh every time. 🙂

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