Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain2010-11-09T11:33:53+00:00
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  • charm
    Post count: 4

    Hi Gabrielle,

    I have been emailing Lucas from yogabody naturals, and he said it would be good to contact you.
    I have chronic pain in my right knee from an injury over a year ago.
    I see my physio and hydro at a rehab centre twice a week.
    The leg is getting better, slowly but surely 🙂

    My issue is that I am 24 and am usually a bendy and fit person.
    Because of my injury I have not been able to do many things (which is quit frustrating).
    But now I want to start getting myself back into shape and also get back into my much missed yoga.
    Do you have some tips for me in the ways of yoga?
    I can only stand or walk around on my leg for 10-15mins.
    Would you be able to recommend some moves that I could start easing into?

    I also want to become a yoga teacher in my partners business that is being set up for personal training.
    I want to get really connected with yoga before I get into a teaching school, and also after one more year at uni next year (Primary teaching for deaf and autistic children)
    Please help if you can.
    Much appreciated 🙂

    Thank you
    Kind Regards

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Charm

    Thanks so much! The first thing to do would be to find out what you can tell me about the pain.

    When does it happen? What are you doing for it to happen? What activities? What do you do to stop the pain? If you do yoga to bring on the pain what poses are you doing? What about your posture? Can you tell me whether you are flat footed or if you pronate or supinate? Where in the knee do you feel it? Is it all over? Just on one side?

    Anyway… you get the picture. Take as much space as you like to try and explain it all. Break it up in paragraphs for each mini subject and we can get started…

    I hope I can shed some light and help you find a way to make it easy for you again

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 356

    are you on crutches or just rest after about 10 15 mins?

    Post count: 4

    Hi again 😉

    My pain is sort of like fake pain. I don’t know if you know much about chronic pain, but basically, I had an injury a year ago which has well and truly healed now. But my brain has been under so much pressure from pain constantly being there from when I had hurt it that it now believes I am always in pain. (Very strange and complicated) So, I get these flair ups through my right knee at times.

    Sometimes I will experience pain for no reason at all. It can just flare up at any time whether I am standing, sitting, sleeping, relaxing, anything. At my rehab centre that I go to twice a week, they have been teaching me how to deal with flare ups when they happen. I deal with them by subconsciously telling my brain that it does not hurt, which then dulls down the pain. I am happy to say that these flare ups have been occurring a lot less. I used to do use pain killers for the pain, but I hate putting all that into my body, so I learnt how do it organically.

    Pain in the knee can be in different spots. I can sometimes get it through the whole knee, or one side, or even the whole surrounding area right up to my hammi and down to my calf.

    I jumped on the treadmill for the first time at rehab yesterday (yay) and just did a 5 min very slow walk. That was all I could manage. I do use one crutch when walking around, which I am not so dependent on as I used to be. I keep it with me just in case I start to get sore and tired and need that extra support.

    I haven’t tried doing any yoga just yet because I wasn’t sure what I should be doing. Before I all this, I had really only just started to get into yoga maybe 4 months before the fall. So I don’t really know a great deal about moves and all that (But would like to :)).

    My posture is out because I have been limping for so long. My lower back is constantly sore, which I think is also due to the way I am trying to re-correct the way that I walk. I also have flat feet. (tried authotics and they were really bad for my back).

    Well I think that pretty much sums it up…have I left any thing out that you need to know?

    Thank you so much 🙂
    Kind Regards

    Post count: 4

    …I don’t know if this will effect with any thing, but I thought I should also let you know that recently (approx 2 months ago), I went to hospital in pain and they found cysts on my ovaries. I was in pain because two of them had burst. Every month mid cycle I will experience pain and discomfort. I also found out that I am gluten and wheat intolerant. So new change in food as well.

    Don’t know if this makes any thing different but thought maybe good to let you know in case it does.

    Ok thank you 🙂

    Post count: 1
    Post count: 4

    Thank you for the link 🙂
    This is everything that I am doing at the moment through rehab.

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