Could lack of enough heat cause sciatica?

Could lack of enough heat cause sciatica?2013-01-05T16:02:33+00:00
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  • Blondiesorganic
    Post count: 21

    Since my schedule will not allow me to get to a bikrim hot yoga studio more than twice a week, I have tried practicing in my room with the Hot Yoga doctor app. I can only get my room to about 85 degrees though at this point. Not sure I want to spend 400. 00 on a Dyson that may not get it that much hotter.

    It seems like the extreme heat really helps me loosen and get into the forward bending standing poses and I had yet to experience a relapse sciatica until doing it in my room. Could it be that I really need this heat?

    Another question is, I wonder if my abs are not getting enough of a workout with only doing bikrim? Strong abs are reccommeded for back health and I have been slacking on my other ab workouts to do bikrim in my room instead. I figure the sit ups in bikrim would be enough.

    Thanks! I love the Hot Yoga Doctor app by the way!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Paula

    Thanks so much!

    Because of the heat index, which is a wonderful little algorithm that shows the combined effects of heat and humidity, you can increase your perception of the heat in your home studio by increasing the humidity. You don’t actually have to increase the heat!

    If you search on this forum with the word ‘humidifier’ I am certain you’ll find some brands and prices of machines. I do know that this hasn’t been talked about specifically (the machines that is!) for quite some time, so use them as the basis for your research on Amazon etc.

    I do recall some heavy duty large ones for under $100 ($60 from memory). Get the most powerful one for your budget. It will work wonders. Anyway you’ll find lots of other tips (including insulation) when you do that search.

    Regarding abs strength: On the app you’ll see that the right and (what I and others experience to be) the wrong way to do a sit-up is demonstrated. Check that out. That will help you increase your core strength during the sit-up. Otherwise you can actually weaken your core, whilst looking like you’re getting nice firm abs. There’s a difference!

    The place you want to go to for a FANTASTIC exercise is right here: The video called “Flatten Your Tummy And Strengthen Your Back”. This will definitely and easily and very effectively (and quickly) strengthen abs, core and back!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 21

    Thank you Gabriielle! I will watch the video.:-)

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