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  • baraisabel
    Post count: 2

    Hi. I’m quite new to Bikram, been going 4-5 days a week for nearly a month now. And I love it! Can already feel the benefits and my body has a whole new posture, and the muscles!

    Read somewhere on the forum that someone had experienced increased cravings for chocolate (due to? hot yoga. Now, I have never been a sugar-person. Quite the opposite acctually, up until recently. I cannot stop thinking about sweets. Even at night I DREAM about stuffing my face with pastries bigger than my own head.
    On the other healthier side, I have also experienced huge craving for fish, mackerel in patricular.

    Now I’m curious to hear if someone else has noticed any changes in what kind of food you crave for since you’ve started practising hot yoga?

    Post count: 4

    Oh mines an odd one- It’s Tomato Juice, really spicy, and i can literally drink pints of it. I think it’s something to do with potassium, and not really being able to tolerate food after classes. I started off just craving the juice, but now I have gone tomato mad, and have them in everything.

    The odd thing is I hated them as a child, never ate them at all as an adult, but now….

    Post count: 103

    I have been craving stuffed green olives after class lately. I think it’s the salt! LOL.

    Post count: 42

    I think changes to food are common! A couple of months after I started hot yoga, I just couldn’t eat meat. There was (initially) no philosophical reason to take up vegetarianism, but it just happened naturally. That was a [em]good [/em]food change!

    A few hours/next day after practicing, though, I notice some powerful cravings–[em]salt[/em], as someone else noted. Give me Cheez-its, give me Trader Joe’s little cheese sandwich crackers, an avocado sprinkled with that delicious NaCL. The processed salt I could probably do without, but I imagine the craving for salt is legit. Your craving for sweets is probably the same.

    I’m curious, though: are the cravings just there, or do you actually compelled to indulge and can’t control it?

    Post count: 2

    Hi. Heads up, this post is radically going to change direction from cravings to something compleetley different…

    First of: Yes, I suppose it’s pretty normal, one new habit nurtures the next and so on. Come to think of it, I’ve had a thing for tomatoes too, recently I’ve been starting to buy sundried tomatoes, and I eat them with everything, which has never been the case before. Maybe I’m being a tad overly analytic but…
    On the sugar side of things, I’m wondering if these cravings might have something to do with me drinking less alcohol. I don’t know; could it have any connection though? Cutting back on alcohol (and the sugar it contains), makes me crave sugar… but not the rush of alcohol – cause I get that particular need for a kick satisfied by doing yoga.

    This actually brings me in to my next concern, and I would like to hear if anybody has had the same experience? It doesn’t have to have to do with alcohol, but any addiction or compulsive behavior, really….
    In my line of work it’s not unusual to go out several times a week, and I have been a pretty big drinker these past 4 years – I drank too much – and felt really bad about, but I just couldn’t make myself quit. I never had any physical addiction to alcohol, it has been more of a psychological approach, I guess. And as any “mental addiction”, it has a way to make you believe that it is a crucial part of your social life and even personality. I tend to BECOME what I DO. Instead of DOING things because I AM.
    Anyway, I consider myself an aware person being the first to mention when something is getting out of control; although I didn’t DO anything about my drinking habits I was constantly worrying that I might be on the verge of becoming an alcoholic. I’ve always liked to devour, in anything really, having a hard time finding a balance.
    Since I’ve grown fond of Bikram I have drunk much much less – perhaps a little bit, once a week compared to a lot four times a week. This is thanks to Bikram, which is good thing, but does the solution really lye in finding a new addiction?
    I think big part of the reason that I really like Bikram – it’s radical in a way, and I need that to keep up the interest. Also the pleasure pain aspect. BUT I can feel that the yoga is less of a habit and more of a compulsive behavior. Whereas the behavior is destructive, but the outcome is not. Hmm…going from craving to pseudo psychological ramblings.

    Do you have any experiences/opinions on what I am trying to say?

    Ah, and yes, regarding the sweets: Suppose this contradicts to how I’ve just described myself but: No I don’t eat them. Just the occasional chocolate croissant and that’s totally fine by me.

    Post count: 356

    yes… from one compulsive thing (addiction to whatever) to another HAVING to do the yoga …….. I dont know about you but I am an addict at heart and when I like something I tend to run with it LOL I have to keep myself in check
    too much of anything is not a good thing (even yoga) …. it can start to interfere with your daily life if you let it
    IE: missing events and work to go…. ect
    as long as you keep it in perspective however all is good :cheese:

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