Cross-train? or just Bikram for weight loss?

Cross-train? or just Bikram for weight loss?2008-07-28T09:26:07+00:00
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  • dena
    Post count: 4


    I’m trying to develop my plan for weight loss. Basically, I need to lose about 30 pounds … I know what to do diet-wise but not sure about my exercise. Is it enough to just do Bikram (4-6 times a week) or do I need to do other kinds of cardio or weights to lose weight? I keep hearing such conflicting reports. I love Bikram and am ready to commit to it (went 4 times this week — it was my first time back in several months — and loved it) but just want some advice.

    Thank you!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Dena

    It is my experience (personal and by watching countless others) that if you go 4 times a week regularly that you will see pretty fast results. If you go 6 times… well … you should be seeing the pounds just drop off you! You may go for a 2-3 weeks at 5+ times per week and not notice much or even anything and then all of a sudden… you won’t believe your eyes!

    Usually I notice that even for those students who usually do some kind of other exercise, that if they just focus on the Bikram the results are better.

    Have fun watching your shape change and feeling better and better in your skin

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 4

    Thank you!

    I will do a minimum of 4 sessions a week with the goal of doing 6 most weeks.

    Thank you for having this forum — it’s been very helpful for me.


    Post count: 4


    I used to do all sorts of exercise – running, lifting, swimming. But, when I started Bikram I only did Bikram (still do), 5 or 6 times a day. I noticed a HUGE weight decrease, and also change in body shape and size within the first 3 months. My body still continues to become more toned and leaner and my eating habits have changed as well (although i am still working on diet – it has improved A LOT!). Good luck and keep up a practice where you work hard every day you are there and “move with intention.”


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Wow Kerrie,

    5-6 times a day – you must be a real hard core yogini! When do you get the time to do anything else? :cheese:

    Now, I know you meant 5-6 times per week. You are obviously very dedicated and love what your yoga is doing for you. How awe-inspiring! Thank you so much for your story. I am sure it will make a difference to many people out there who are thinking about a yoga lifestyle or committing to getting that much more out of life (whether they already practice or not).

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 4


    I used to do all sorts of exercise – running, lifting, swimming. But, when I started Bikram I only did Bikram (still do), 5 or 6 times a day. I noticed a HUGE weight decrease, and also change in body shape and size within the first 3 months. My body still continues to become more toned and leaner and my eating habits have changed as well (although i am still working on diet – it has improved A LOT!). Good luck and keep up a practice where you work hard every day you are there and “move with intention.”


    Thank you!

    How long have you been practicing? I’m starting to practice again — after gaining weight, about 35 lbs, so I’m 164 lbs — and it would be so encouraging to hear from others who have done this.

    I am becoming a vegetarian again — found this supplement (E3 Live) that helps w/ energy levels. So, I”m hoping that the next few months will reveal a lighter, healthier, and happier, me! 🙂


    Julianne Hemingway
    Post count: 1

    I started doing Bikram November 3rd this year. I have been averaging at least 5 days a week (sometimes 7 ..) and I am not seeing as much in the weight loss department as I had hoped but it is helping me sleep better, my stress levels are much lower… I eat fairly healthily any specific suggestions? I do need to lose about 30-35 pounds.

    Any help or advise would be wonderful!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Jules

    Wow, that is great. 5-7 times per week is a mammoth effort which has its wonderful rewards as you have already discovered.

    See if you can hold on, because what normally happens is one day you will look in the mirror and you will be amazed at how much shape change you have had. It doesn’t always happen gradually or predictably. In my experience you can’t help but get the changes on such a committed schedule. And you have only been going one month. Many don’t see the physical changes for 5-7 weeks. However, there are no hard and fast rules.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 9

    Thanks for this thread! It helps to know that it takes some time to see a difference in shape change.

    I’ve been going for 3 weeks (4-5 times a week) and while I feel stronger and better, I have not seen a change in the scales. I know this is also because I also do other forms of yoga and one day of cardio a week. I feel the muscle growing and my posture changing and even my clothes becoming loose but no change in the amount I weigh, which sometimes disappoints me, but I’m trying to remember that muscle is heavier then fat!

    If my yoga studio was closer to where I work, I would probably do more Bikram and cut out the gym portion of my workout, but it’s far so I keep going to my Yoga Flow classes and doing my cardio on my lunch break at work. The variety is good for me too and keeps me working and concentrating on different parts of my body. I’m looking to lose 30-40 lbs as well.

    I find its hard to concentrate on my diet and appropriate foods during the holidays, but I’m trying. I don’t always prevail, but I’ve decided that if I absolutely need something sweet or something bad for me, I cut the portion size and either give the rest away or put it in the fridge. I did this today with a peppermint brownie I could not stop thinking about and wanting. I just cut it into 4 pieces and had my taste with giving the rest away to co-workers.

    Good luck on the weight loss everyone! It’s so good to know that so many are dedicated! It keeps me motivated as well.

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