Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep Vein Thrombosis2010-09-22T22:34:17+00:00
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  • Emaki
    Post count: 2

    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post, and I wish it was not under these circumstances that I would first address you all. I was hoping to write about my first hot yoga class on these message boards to share my experience, as well as keep you all posted on all benefits of health improvement and weight loss. Unfortunately I can’t start tonight as planned, because I just got news from the doctor that the painful lump in my left leg is most likely deep vein thrombosis, (or potentially something worse, pending an MRI and Ultrasound results).

    I am just wondering if anyone has any experience with DVT or if you have heard weather it’s beneficial or not to do hot yoga while suffering from this painful problem.

    If it is, in fact, DVT it was caused by a sedentary job, frequent flying, and most recently being bedridden for nearly 6 months due to surgery. That surgery is completely healed, and my only health concern is the DVT. I am not trying to let myself get worried too much at how potentially life threatening this condition is if a blood clots makes it to my lungs.. so barring that anything else happens, and assuming I don’t get worse, I know yoga must help in keeping new DVT from popping up, but I am mostly concerned with the dangers of doing yoga while having this problem, if it will help improve my current situation.. I am trying not to be upset with my self for not doing yoga while I was healing, even if it meant sitting out for half the positions, I think that it would have got me out of my bed, helped my surgery heal faster and thus prevented this scary DVT..

    Gabrielle, you always have such informative posts with great insight, I am curious if you have come across someone with the same problem and, if so, what was there experience with hot yoga?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi, this question was posted twice, please go here to read the answer!

    Gabrielle 🙂

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