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  • barryandkurt
    Post count: 1

    I discovered Hot Yoga in March of this year and it has grown to an addiction. I try and go at least 5 times a week and wish there was more time in the day to do it twice a day. I sweat a lot during the 90 minutes. I weigh about 210 lbs (260 when I started in March), I lose approximately 10-12 lbs in water weight during the 90 minutes. Lately I have not been feeling right…my face is flush, my muscles ache, dizziness during the day and light headed. I drink a lot of water and use Nuun and Sport supplement mixes to get my electrolytes. I found this site during my research this morning and wanted to see if there were other experiencing these same symptoms. I drink a lot of coffee in the morning and I am wondering if that is causing dehydration. I practice in the afternoons and do like to have a couple of glasses of wine or cocktails in the evening…I am wondering if the combination of coffee and alcohol are causing these systems. Am I dehydrating all the time and I don’t even realize it?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Kurt

    This has the hallmarks of something serious. Please go and see someone about this. You are losing so much fluid during your class and the symptoms are quite alarming to me (presenting all at the same time like that).

    I would really appreciate if you get yourself to a medico or someone who can do a thorough work up of your blood. While you’re at it check your vitamin D levels and ask for a 25 hydroxy test (just because you’re getting a blood test and this is also a good thing to have checked once in a while). Then come back here and tell us a) that you’ve done it and b) what the results are if you’re willing to share.

    It could be an indication of heat exhaustion / severe dehydration. Rather than ask more questions I think a proactive approach is called for.

    Get to it!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 11

    Hi Gabrielle,

    If I were to do a teacher training this year, I would choose your course over the Bikram. However, from an employment perspective, would one be able to work at a Bikram studio if they did your course?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Nezzles

    Thank you for the great compliment. I appreciate your vote of confidence and I would love to have you join us in Costa Rica.

    I know that there will be some Bikram studios that will not employ you and others that certainly would.

    There will be some studios that have an agreement with Bikram to use the Bikram trademark and only Bikram certified teachers – however this is only a requirement to have his training. Most teachers want to have further professional development.

    A studio agreement cannot override personal aspirations. It is NOT an agreement that you can’t have Barkan, Power, Hot Yoga Doctor, Ashtanga, Iyengar or any other style of yoga certification. That is and can only be a decision left to the individual.

    There are literally dozens of affiliated studios around the world that use my manual and course materials. Even more unaffiliated studios use them too.

    There are many hundreds if not thousands of hot yoga studios that teach hot yoga around the world. Some of them teach the series that Bikram has made popular. There seems also to be a movement away from teaching under a controlled system or a franchise. Many studio owners really want to be able to determine their own future on their own terms. I certainly believe that yoga belongs to us all.

    The most important thing when I choose a teacher is how well they teach (not how well they recite). This is true for a great many studios. I have to admit that there will be some studios that would only accept you if you did Bikram’s training. They don’t care and have no say if you were to do mine, they just want you to do the recital stuff…

    It’s important to consider what you actually want to teach. Is it important for you to be able to teach yoga? Is it important for you to recite a class? They are 2 completely different outcomes.

    To give you some confidence, I already have 2 experienced Bikram trained teachers (who went through the Bikram program several years ago) as paid participants on the program to address the lack in their own ‘recital training certification’.

    I know that if you were to ask a Bikram studio directly BEFORE you come to my training if they would employ you, they would be obliged to say ‘no’. However I do believe that if you were to go and teach a class for free after training and you were a great teacher then it would be very hard to ignore that.

    I will not just be teaching a Bikram class. I want to teach people how to become yoga teachers. This will encompass the poses that most are familiar with plus others to develop teachers of broad abilities who could teach anywhere.

    The Bikram yoga world is small. The number of people who practise yoga and even hot yoga is huge. As such the opportunities are endless.

    I would be most happy to have a conversation with you about training and to distill what your wants and needs are in becoming a teacher.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 10

    Do you offer yoga teacher training? Do you provide certification? What’s the cost borne?

    Robert Scanlon (Webmaster)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 266

    Hello – you can see all the details here:

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