Difficulty rounding and getting forhead to knee

Difficulty rounding and getting forhead to knee2010-08-11T21:19:58+00:00
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  • DukeOcho
    Post count: 2

    I have always been a stiff person, partidularly bending forward. For example, when I first started, if I had tried to bend over and touch the floor, my hands would barely go below my knees. I have been doing hot yoga for about 6 months now and am delighted to see everything improving. Recently at the end of a session I tried that for giggles and was amazed I could almost flatten my hands on the floor.

    However, I am still having a great deal of trouble with every pose in which we are to put our head to our knee. I don’t seem to be able to round and can’t do those positions properly.

    Can you suggest either
    1) how to best perform the pose if I can’t get my forhead to knee (even bending my knee). Right now I just get it as close as I can.
    2) Do you know of any additional poses/stretches I could do outside of class to help increase my rounding ability. I have been doing a gravity pose hanging forward with bent knees and it has helped with forwarding bending but doesn’t do anything for rounding.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Eileen

    It seems your body has gone through some great changes.

    May I suggest you go and check out the pose mechanisms for the following poses:

    >> Standing Separate Leg Intense Stretch (you’ll find frequent reference to an article called Opening Up Your Hamstrings With Hot Yoga which although you think may just open your hamstrings it’s about opening your back as well – they’re connected! 😉 )
    >> Janushirasana
    >> Paschimottanasana
    >> Standing Sep Leg Head to Knee

    Gravity poses are helpful but they are not nearly as effective as active stretching with the CORRECT technique. There are very basic errors people make with all of the above poses that if corrected will be sufficient for you to progress.

    How’s your rabbit? Does it feel good or do you not get that one yet?

    When you’ve looked at all of those and you can come up with specifics about the way you’re doing the pose then we can break that down further. For the moment, I am sure that you will discover some gems.

    Of course, there are full details with photos in my manual (sounds like a plug but it’s worth mentioning) and there are specific Pose Tutorials which delve right down into the finest details of most of the poses at the Hot Yoga Doctor Store. It really depends on how much you are inspired to know.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 2

    Thanks so much for the speedy and thorough reply. I will go do my homework and get back to you! I am sure I will have some ah-hahs.

    I continue to be impressed by your specific and inspirational teaching approach. I discovered the Bikram version of hot yoga earlier this year. I quickly became addicted to it but I soon had to move to an area that had no Bikram classes. So I began to research setting up a home studio. Imagine my delight when I ran into you. Your materials (yes I have your Hot Yoga Master Class AND your home practice materials!) have enabled me to set up an effective home studio complete with the heat and sweating! Even though I have to practice by myself, I feel I am truly getting far superior instruction than before.

    I hadn’t spent much time on your web-site yet and am discovering all kinds of tips and help.

    Thank you for sharing your passion.

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