distractions of first timers

distractions of first timers2008-09-28T05:29:26+00:00
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  • blue
    Post count: 32

    I LOVE seeing new people come to the practice. I’m always encouraging people to go on a journey!!!
    However I have found that if a class has A LOT of new comers It can be… difficult. W/ the practice being new sometimes they’ll leave the room one after each other, make loud grunts, move around ect. I know this is about MY focus not them, any tips when I find this?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello blue

    We both know you have to take responsibility for you, and if I can be so bold, this is NOT entirely your ‘fault’ if I can use such a term.

    Setting the scene and giving newcomers some basic ground rules about the how tos and the what to dos is the job of their teacher.

    Things that are for most part ‘controllable’ are the preferences to do with:
    * movement
    * leaving the room
    * drinking water
    * the direction of their visual attention

    Notice that I said preferences. You can tell anybody anything you want, but in the end if it is a demand or unreasonable or not explained with enough logic or detail to invite them into your model of the world, then they will feel controlled and probably look to buck the system or resist your will.

    So, I agree, it is very annoying when new students leave the room. The fact that they do one after the other is testimony that they have not been asked in the right way or given the reason why they should not leave the room. As an example our new students have a 5-10 min orientation before their first class so all the logistical and behavioral stuff including a couple of key elements to the class are covered. Once we started to do this, compliance to the ‘rules’ in class and new student comfort and return rate drastically improved.

    If there is enough call for it from teachers who want to know our formula, then please respond in this forum, or write to me and I can put something together.

    Blue, remember when you were a newbie? Probably feels like a distant memory! I remember when I first started. I was one that made occasional noises (not loud grunts though 😉 ). I don’t do that anymore. I wonder what it was that you did? Perhaps your focus was not as good as it is now. Maybe you looked around or reached for your water bottle too often. Often newcomers make noises which show how much mental noise is going on for them. And as yet they are unable to manage their emotional state through a quiet body. Their growing levels self-acceptance are reflected in the way they castigate themselves (often audibly) or they make all sorts of movements or stances that really result in distracting themselves from what they will eventually find: focus in the mirror, on themselves and their practice.

    Stuff like that I am sure every regular student recognizes and has some patience for. It is when the acceptable stuff is in addition to the really annoying stuff where it even has the potential to upset your own class. As you have probably heard: ‘don’t let anybody steal your peace’.

    Tips you ask?

    When you are experiencing this you can bring your attention right back to your breath (classic direction! :cheese:) and if you can’t do that, then try for some empathy recognizing your own previous path reflected in the first-timer. Self-empathy works too: try to recognize what it is you yourself are feeling, acknowledge it (for example:
    I acknowledge that I am feeling upset that my needs for flow and focus are not being met) and observe it and then let it go!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 32

    Thanks. I’ve seen the teachers “tour” the students and they do give a reminder before class in their intro but you’re correct in saying that it’s perhaps not worded in a way that the students are getting. Any way, I can dwell about what I can’t control, or I can put my focus towards the stuff I can…..like my own reactions. I actually feel sympathy and find that I want to go out share my experience and tell them it’s OK come back in!! If I hear or feel someone struggling I want to help and encourage. The challenge is in the focusing on myself
    and leaving them to go on their own journey.
    This is all very enlightening…… I never REALLY asked myself what I was feeling during this and why. Peeling more layers away is very rewarding. (hard sometimes) but worth the pain of the peeler!
    Thank you
    Now I can smile inside and let it go when this happens.

    Post count: 18

    Bikram says this practice makes you “Bullet proof, sex proof, sweat proof, life proof”.
    Sometimes the practice we need to work on most is turning inward instead of looking outward.
    Meet your own eyes in the mirror and other peoples movement might not bother you. Always listen to your breath, and you might never hear other peoples noises. The guy sweating buckets next to you, nothing he can do about that, be empathetic. The stinky person, know that we have all smelled bad.
    Become bulletproof!
    I know it’s easier said than done, and somedays it’s all I can do to keep it together.

    Smile, then let it go, it’s 90 minutes the you get to leave.

    Post count: 32

    thanks and this is all true. what I found interesting was why I found this distracting……..my need to go and be fixer upper-make everything right w/ the world-keep peace – and give give give!!! All very good things but if you forget about yourself you have nothing to give. Also when I realize I’m not in control or responsible for everything and everyone …..I can breathe! What a weight of my shoulders when I can let it just be

    Thanks all!!!

    Post count: 14

    Hi Blue

    I understand where you are coming from, with reference to “Newbies” leaving the room, as I have felt myself being frustrated by them, or the person standing next to you who is late in or out of every posture etc. :cheese:

    I decided recently (after finding that the frustration wasn’t working for me!) that I needed to look at this as another challenge of my practice. I now look at it as a chance to improve my focus and stillness, and endeavour to not let anyone steal my peace.


    Post count: 32

    I use the same thought process when dealing w/ people whom I don’t quite get along w/ 😉
    I just think of it as a lesson in patience and understanding that I needed to learn!
    thanks for the tip
    PS today was a very full class and their was A LOT of newcomers ……. I managed to wink at myself and loosen to the idea I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE! They are fully capable of taking care of their own needs my job is MY practice……then my attention didn’t have to wander as much :coolsmile:

    Post count: 36

    Yes, oh yes! Newcomers are indeed not the only distraction … if I let my gaze wander at all away from the mirror and myself, SPROING! My mind is off and running! “That girl’s towel matches her mat. Ew, that guy sure is hairy! Hey, I should get a shirt like that woman is wearing–it looks more comfortable than mine … ” Etc. Etc. Etc. Sometimes I wish we COULD close our eyes!

    Post count: 14

    LOL. Funny to think, when I first started practicing about a year ago, I thought I was “just going to a yoga class” 😉

    Post count: 18

    FUnny I try to remind people that it’s just yoga, and it should be fun,
    but that said, I should remind myself of that more often.

    Post count: 32

    People who say this practice is boring…….. wow!
    yes the practice does repeat the same postures but when I go to class I NEVER know what kind of experience I’m going to have.
    I LOVE too what you said about the mind and other things being distracting. I do that at times too! Here’s a tip that helps me.
    When I walk into the hot room, so many of my friends are in there!!!! If I’m excited to see them and get too social before the lights come on I find my class is SHOT. If I center ONLY on myself, do some breathing and warm up then sit and focus in the mirror I’m primed.

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