elbow dislocation

elbow dislocation2013-09-22T02:46:53+00:00
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  • bethybam28
    Post count: 1

    I dislocated my elbow a few weeks ago and am not yet able to stretch it fully but I desperately miss doing yoga!! What can I do while I fully recover? Are there any poses or flows that I can substitute in the mean time?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Bethy

    First I would avoid plank poses and others that rely on you placing a lot of weight on your bent or straight arms. It seems you may do hot yoga flow classes and there would be a lot of poses that you potentially need to avoid.

    Stick with passive poses (that you would find in a Bikram style class) that allow you to monitor the impact and be more present with the arm itself.

    Avoid Eagle pose for example where you twist the arms together. Outside of yoga, I would use resistance against your outstretched arm (against a wall) to help strengthen and consolidate joint integrity.

    Simple Sun Salutations where you are not jumping back but are just stationary are a great way of monitoring the increasing ability to open up that elbow joint. On inhaling arms up over your head, I recommend you can activate your arms right down to your fingers (important) and move with your breath. Even if you don’t get a full class in, you will feel the benefit of simple yoga poses and being present.

    You can also do some Yin Yoga where you can really enjoy longer held poses where you can pay more attention, again, working with the breath and being present with movements that affect your arm, noticing even over the minutes in a pose how things can change.

    Please let me know how you go

    Gabrielle 🙂

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