Exercises for Posterior Tibial Tendonitis

Exercises for Posterior Tibial Tendonitis2012-09-06T03:23:46+00:00
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  • firecog
    Post count: 2

    I was diagnosed with posterior tibial tendonitis last year, wore a boot for 8 weeks, and have been managing with orthotics and sometimes a brace.
    I have noticed improvement after doing the P90X yoga routine (I know, maybe it’s not real yoga, but it’s my first exposure) and started doing a few exercises in the morings and it really seems to help. I have been doing a fairly short routine using mostly standing position, warrior I and II, and tree.
    Just looking for some additional direction and/or advise for additional exercises, routines, etc.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Ted

    May I ask if you are pain-free yet? If you feel pain what causes it and what relieves it? Are you flat-footed, normally pronated?

    What were told to do by your physical therapist? Are you wearing orthotics all the time? I need a little more to add colour to the picture!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 2

    I’m not pain free yet, it is exacerbated by running, jumping, plyometric movements, and long days on my feet. I am very active normally, but my job is also very physically demanding, so I don’t have too many options to avoid aggravating it.
    I have always had very flat feet and over pronated pretty signifigantly. I wear orthotics all the time and depending on footwear and activity, I also use an ankle brace.
    I was not prescribed any PT. My ortho just said ‘listen to your body’, and I am normally pretty good at that and have worked to progressively strengthen it, but still have flare ups and can feel it is still weak. Doing a few yoga exercises has seemed to really help, and I’d like to do more yog any way to build my overall fitness.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Ted

    Yes, I know. This has been a long time coming. Ted, using orthotics are obviously very helpful for you. Some people are seriously pronated and need them all the time. You use them at work and that seems to be giving you the support you need while minimising the aggravation. So, I am wondering if you would take a look at a free video I made about feet and posture. It goes into pronation and orthotics are mentioned too. See if you can get anything useful for you there. It’s a very popular video that has helped thousands. Here it is here: Great Posture From The Ground Up. Come back and let me know how you’re going.

    Happy Holidays

    Gabrielle 🙂

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