Fever after class

Fever after class2009-12-29T03:53:42+00:00
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  • scarletrocket
    Post count: 1


    I began practicing Bikram yoga in Feb 2008 and it, of course, changed my life.
    I had to take a break for some time, however, as I dealt with a congenitive kidney disorder and subsequent parathyroid disorder (now under control with daily dose of antibiotics …ick….to prevent further possibly lethal infections).

    Now I am back, healthy again and practicing Bikram again. This time, I have noticed that my body has trouble regulating temperature. During class, where I attend twice a week, I am exhausted, nauseated, and have blacked out. My skin actually feels like it is burning. I end up laying in Savasana most of the class and have to struggle to meditate to not bolt out the door. My nose gets stuffy but there is nothing to blow out.

    Afterward, I have a rotten headache that lasts for two days, I have sweaty, fever-filled nights and this continues often into the next day. At first, I welcomed the thought that it was due to a detox process from being given medications when I was very ill, but it has been over two months now and I have had little to no improvement.

    I drink tons of water (more than usual due to the kidney condition), include electrolytes, eat properly, get loads of rest, breathe deeply, etc. but seemingly to no avail.

    Any suggestions on what might be going on? Could it be hormonal (I am 36 and of healthy weight)? One of my instructors suggested a few things: mold in the room/ventilation/heating system, hormone imbalance, room too hot and ambient air too cold or quick changes in ambient air temperature, I am fighting off an infection continuously…

    Thanks in advance for your response and I love this site! 🙂



    Post count: 42

    I’m so sorry to hear about that, Scarletrocket. I am glad the worst of your illness is over, but it sounds like there are some serious, persistent issues that the class is aggravating. The instructors tend to have the “this is the good pain that kills the pain/kill yourself” attitude, but maybe this yoga isn’t right for you at the moment. I understand if you were to have a few hours of discomfort or exhaustion after the class, but to be actually sick for two days? Stop!!! There are other, wonderful forms of yoga out there that might better meet your needs at the moment. Maybe in a few months you could try again.

    But seriously, I would take a break. And if your Bikram teachers tell you to push through it, all the more reason to stop 🙁 Just my humble, fairly uninformed opinion based on what you have told me. You have my good thoughts.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Darcy

    Welcome to the forum and thanks, I appreciate your comment!

    I notice that you said that you are on a daily dose of antibiotics. Your body may simply be reacting to the drugs in your system.

    RandomFemale could be right here. You shouldn’t be suffering for your practice in the way you describe. ‘Suffering’ to some degree in class is one of the ways that we learn to overcome stress – and this is a great thing. I know you love the yoga so here’s something to consider. Is it possible that your system is finding it difficult to heal with the antibiotics coupled with the extreme environment of the hot room? On that note have you tried yet maybe doing the yoga without the heat or in a warm room at home? It may be worth diagnosing this and put your mind at ease.

    If I am interpreting your words correctly and you are still on your antibiotics then I would probably exclude that cause before moving on to hormonal imbalances etc.

    Having said that it could be the ambient conditions. Are there others who have a similar problem? During class are there several people consistently and at the same time experiencing difficulties like skipping poses or lying down or resting? There are many studios that are not in control of the heat and that is reflected in unnecessary difficulty and obvious suffering in the studio. What’s your opinion of the conditions that lead you to mention heat and mold etc?

    Gabrielle 😉

    Kim Bogert
    Post count: 1

    hi! i just did a google search ‘fever after hot yoga’ and your post from last december on this forum came up. all of the symptoms you described feeling after doing yoga are the same symptoms i am experiencing. fever, aching, chills, headache, nauseous. flu-like… i call it the ‘yoga flu’. i have been practicing hot yoga for almost 2 years, going 5 days/week. when i first started, these symptoms would occur fairly often. but then they went away, so i thought my body was just getting used to the heat. but now, almost 2 years later, the symptoms have come back. i experience these symptoms about twice a week now. and it’s always several hours after a practice that they start and they continue for a few hours, and sometimes up to 8 hours.
    i was wondering if you still had your symptoms? did you ever figure out what was going on?
    any advice you have would be appreciated! i have asked doctors about this and yoga instructors, have looked online and until now haven’t found anything about this.
    thanks so much!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Kim

    I was wondering if you have anything else to add. You mentioned you have asked doctors. So did you get some tests done? What did those test show? Are you peri-menopausal? Just wondering if hormones could be a consideration. There are so many factors: stress, emotions, nutrition, electrolytic, hydration, something that’s triggered a change, an insidious and gradual change that has manifested what appears to be a sudden effect…

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 2

    Hi Kim and scarlet,
    I’m a man (34), I’m practicing Yoga since 5-6 years. I’ve been teaching for a while too.
    I now practice hot Yoga (Moksha) for more than a year.
    I’m in love with the focus that hot yoga bring to me but I have to face that it come with some problems sometimes.
    I’ve got exactly the same issue : Fever, itchy sensitive skin, irritable mood …
    It’s not every time but it come often after a long regular practice.
    My guess, is that it is related to the nervous system. I will say that with the sweating and dehydration something is putting in imbalance. I’m trying to figure what element could it be but I didn’t find right now (I took minerals, but it’s not look like that it was the right fit or dosage)
    If you have any information or recommandation it will be very welcome.

    Hope we will be able to enjoy this practice for a long time.
    Have a great journey

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sagou

    Are you still having the same issues with itching and irritation? Please let me know how you’re managing your situation right now and if we need to explore this together.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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