first time…really hot…

first time…really hot…2009-06-23T20:00:37+00:00
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  • sarahcate
    Post count: 3

    Hi everyone,
    I just had my first hot yoga class last night. I went into the room about 15 minutes before class to lay down and acclimate to the heat. I found that soon after class began I had to sit down quite frequently, and by the floor series I could barely do any of the poses. I ended up leaving the hot studio about 15 minutes early and I felt quite defeated that I couldn’t make it through the whole class. I’m going back either today or tomorrow, but I’m terrified that the same thing will happen. Is it possible that I’m just intolerant to the heat?

    Post count: 36

    Did you hydrate enough before class?

    Post count: 3

    i guess i don’t know what hydrate enough would be. i drank a bottle or two of water during the day yesterday.

    Post count: 36

    One guideline I read somewhere that seems to work for me is that I drink half of my weight (in lbs) in ounces of water. If my pee isn’t practically clear, I’m not hydrated enough. If you only had a couple of bottles of water during the day, you were probably dehydrated.

    Post count: 3

    thanks for the reply. i’ll drink more water today and go to class tonight and see what it feels like.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sarah and Robert

    It is not unusual to experience difficulties in the heat. While going into the room 15 minutes early to get used to the heat was a good idea, it wasn’t really acclimatizing you to it.

    The process of true acclimatization takes about 2 weeks. There is a real physiological process that is associated with being or exercising in the heat.

    In the same way that an athlete has to go and train in a high altitude location for a couple of weeks before a big race you body (let alone your mind) takes some time. Over that time processes in your body will ‘reset’, your heart will become stronger, your cardiac output will improve. Besides that the humidity will facilitate better breathing over time as your lungs enjoy an increased capacity.

    So Sarah, don’t be concerned about your own process. What you can notice is, as suggested, the color of your urine, you can take electrolyte supplementation if you want to, and you can also notice whether at times of stress in the class whether it is a real physical inability to do something or whether it is your mind sabotaging your efforts. Both happen. It is your mastery of your mind that will surprise you more and more!

    Have fun!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 54

    It took me almost 3 months to truly acclimate. Now I actually feel cool in the room by the time I’m on the floor, which still amazes me. It’s not like that every day, but I’d say at least 80-90% of the time. The days I feel hot I drank less water or forgot to supplement my electrolytes.

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