first timer – not so good

first timer – not so good2008-05-30T02:10:09+00:00
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  • Mega Newbie
    Post count: 2

    Hi everyone,

    I was so pleased to find this site! I went to my first yoga class yesterday – a hot yoga class. I have no major health problems but I am carrying about 20 extra pounds. I am just restarting a fitness routine after a bout with depression. I used to lift weights and take 3-4 Spinning classes/week so I am no stranger to exercise but I wasn’t prepared for this!

    I was able to keep up with the pace for about 15 minutes then I just couldn’t do it. I felt nauseous and weak. I made a few feeble attempts for the remaining 45 minutes but mostly I did the childs pose. I felt OK after the class and the sweating felt good. I have every intention of continuing to practice but I could use some advice.

    Thanks for this wonderful site!

    Post count: 41

    My first suggestion is make sure you are breathing during the poses. During the standing series if I need to catch my breath I try to stand still and upright (think lifting the chest slightly) and breath slow and deep in and out through the nose. It was several months before I made it through an entire 90 minute class doing every set of every pose. Now, eighteen months later, there are still times when I have to just stop and breathe.

    Stick with it. For me it has been both the best and hardest thing I’ve ever done for myself.

    Take Care,

    Mega Newbie
    Post count: 2

    Thanks, Lee

    I had my second class today and it was much better. I drank much more water (w/electrolytes) before the class. I was able to keep up for much longer. I still have trouble going in and out of upward-facing dog quickly – my lower back is a little cranky.

    I’ll stick with it for sure. I just hope my back loosens up a little.

    Thanks for the reply!

    Post count: 4

    Hi Mega Newbie,

    I have done about 20 classes, you are right it is very differnet to any other form of exerices. Our teacher tells us each day will be different, your body reacts to the elements of the day and shows up in your practice. One day will be fantastic the next day will be challenging the next time you learn something. I am just now beginning to get through 90% of the poses. If I get dizzy I give into it and chill until I feel better. Somehow getting through it, sweating and feeling all those endorphins make it so worth it. I make sure I eat some carbs the meal before practice. I learned yesterday you burn a minimum of 800 calories, up to 1300 for a 200 lb body. It helps to have some glucose in the system to burn. Hydration is definitely key before and after.

    Hang in there…it is so worth it!

    Post count: 4

    Hi–I am also a newbie to hot yoga although veteran to exercise. I have taken 3 classes and I have found that any backward bending makes me dizzy for a minute and I am learning to just be still and breath. (which is fairly difficult when my body wants to sway back and forth and nod my head forward). Each class has been a little bit different and I am hoping all the sweating will pay off 😆 .

    Post count: 41

    I struggled a lot with back bends when I started. Just tipping my head back in Camel would make the whole room spin. Now I love them. A lot of it is not so much about going back as letting go and relaxing the front.


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