Fungal ear infections at my home studio

Fungal ear infections at my home studio2008-03-06T15:47:00+00:00
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  • Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    I have been doing this for almost 2 years and I had classes for 2 months so here in Egypt I have a hot room that goes from 100 to 105 or more and sometimes the humidity is 35%. I used a vaporiser and get the humidity to 60% but then get ear fungus. So what is the best for this. Also the breathing. Am I breathing through the nose or using the throat to breath. Also on the breathing what is the best method. This has always confused me. I think this will be a great site but it looks like you will have lots of questions. Good luck and thanks for the info.

    Barbara Allen
    Posted by Barbara Allen on 01/21 at 08:43 PM

    Hello Barbara

    Isn’t Egypt an amazing place?

    Firstly let’s deal with the fungus!
    I would like to ask you some questions.
    Can you tell me what your room consists of? Carpet, underlay, or wooden floor or tiles?Soft furnishings?
    What about your mat? What kind? Do you use a towel? Are your feet smooth or cracked?
    The room: are there windows? How well is it ventilated?

    If your room is carpeted, then spores can easily harbor there.
    In the Middle East most places are tiled. If your room is tiled, then it could be something else in the environment.
    Perhaps your mat and towel need some kind of different cleaning agent.

    For example here is what we do:
    1) I had an indoor/outdoor plastic carpet installed (no underlay). This makes my studio very cleanable and there is never any carpet spoilage.
    2) The biggest factor we found for keeping the studio clean was VENTILATION. Open up the doors and windows for cross ventilation every single class.
    3) We clean the mats with teatree oil, there are plenty of essential oils that you can use that would not be harmful. It could be something you can add to your final rinse of your wash that would be antifungal and antibacterial.
    4) If you have a minor problem with your feet, and you step out on your towel, when you lie down your ear could be in contact with an infective element.

    And now for the breathing:

    Use a small constriction at the base of the throat. And use the passageway of the nose for inhaling and exhaling. You may know of this as Ujayii breath.
    Please feel free to refine your question about the breathing so I can better answer it (and not confuse you 😉 )

    Thanks for the kind comments
    Gabrielle 🙂

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