getting ready for a 30-day challenge

getting ready for a 30-day challenge2008-03-06T19:17:55+00:00
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    Post count: 134

    Posted by edgeH20

    What would you offer for advice for someone about to start a 30-day challenge??
    Honestly and not to be negative: I am dreading this.
    I have always been the type of person to take a little break from what I am doing.
    Sometimes I take Bikram classes for 5 days in a row , then 1 or 2 days off then back for more. I like the break.

    BUT, I do know at the end of the 30 days I will have HUGE benefits.

    Any advice at this point would be grat. !

    Restored Content
    Post count: 134

    Posted by Hannahjustbreathe


    I am on day 22 of my own 30-day challenge! Only eight days to go, and I can already say the last three weeks have been ridiculously rewarding, mentally and physically.

    I have a few things, small pearls of wisdom, to share:

    1. Yoga will become your part-time job. Considering class is 90 minutes, you show up at least 15 minutes before, and it takes you roughly 15 minutes after class (and sometimes longer on both ends), that’s two-plus hours a day. All total, I’ve spent anywhere between 14 and 18 hours at my yoga studio per week for the last three weeks. That’s a lot of time. And I think, in all honesty, that’s been the hardest part of this challenge—finding and committing the time to do. But don’t worry. Your friends and significant others will understand.

    2. No day is easy. I absolutely dreaded going to the studio some days, but the second I got there, the second I laid down my mat and spread out my towel, I was fine. And then once class began, I hardly even remembered that I was there for any reason other than, well, I’m a yogi, and this is my practice.

    3. Your body will ache. Without a doubt. But, it’s okay. You’re working through years of gunk, tightness, stress, scar tissue, and more. You’ll recognize the days you need to take it a little easy, and you’ll recognize the days you can go harder. Just listen to your body, breathe, and move on.

    4. Your eating habits will change. Strangely enough, I’ve had hardly any appetite while completing this challenge. And what I am hungry for is only cold foods—fruit, yogurt, milk, juice, raw vegetables, etc. I have to force myself to eat a “real” meal when I get home at night after class, because I’m just not hungry. But you do have to eat. I’ve had a few days where my blood sugar and electrolytes were way off, and I suffered bad headaches, sore muscles, and an upset stomach.

    5. You’ll want to quit. Of course you will. And that’s okay. It’s called a “challenge” for a reason! But, each time I’ve thought about giving up, I’ve just reminded myself that *I* made the choice to do this, and so the only person I’ll be letting down and disappointing if I don’t finish is myself. Plus, the accomplishment, pride, excitement and relief I’ve felt at the end of every class in this challenge is unparalleled, is the ultimate reward.

    Last piece of advice: If you’ve done five classes in a row before, what’s one more? Try six. And then when you get to six, try seven. And then eight. Why not? Your body can do it. It’s your mind that does the kicking and screaming, and you’re in control of that.

    Good luck! And keep us posted on your progress!


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Beautifully said!
    Thanks Hannah

    Edge, I have often done 2 classes in a day. Many people ask me how I manage that. I tell them that I just take each moment as it comes and when the afternoon comes I just check into my body and see if I feel as if I’ve done a class that day. If I don’t then I just hop along to class. Same goes for when you do one class right after the other. I don’t consider that I have actually attended a class I just listen to my body.

    Although the above example is not exactly what you are asking it still uses a similar principle. It is a similar to the challenge of going every day. Striving to be in the moment is always our goal. We try to get inside our bodies and breathe. We connect with ourselves not thinking about the past (neither celebrating it nor being upset by it) not anticipating or dreading the future just doing our utmost to do nothing else but breathe, observing what is going on in the body and mind and trying not to think.

    With any challenge you commit. What stops you going is usually your interpretation of the challenge. Hannah is right, the hardest thing is getting yourself to the front door sometimes. Which tells you an important thing: your mind is the culprit, trying to sabotage your best efforts, but your body is usually willing. Despite the discomfort and for some, pain, your body loves this yoga. Just remove your conscious mind from the equation and just get there. You will be so proud of yourself when you do.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Can anyone tell me whether the trend is to do a 30 day challenge of 30 consecutive classes or whether a day off per week is generally allowed? Thanks G

    Restored Content
    Post count: 134

    Posted by Eve

    First of all congratulations on taking on such a challenge!!

    I am doing 6 classes a week for 4 weeks and have just come back from class number 5 of my first week. Just a little challenge to prep my body for doing the Baron Baptiste 40 day challenge which involves meditation, 6 day a week classes and other challenges.

    I agree with the above it is definately just getting yourself to the studio from that point on you will be fine.

    Good luck!!

    Namaste eve

    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they are yours.

    R. Bach

    Post count: 41

    Well, I am done with the challenge. Fantastic!
    OK, taking 2 days off and then back to Bikram! 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Edge

    Wonderful news! Congratulations. Was wondering what insights you may have gained (on anything) after your challenge! Especially now that you are probably back in there sweating again!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 41

    hmmmmm……what to say, in no particular order of importance:

    – it became comforting to know that I was going every day to Bikram and did not have to schedule out my week or talk myself into or out of going.

    – class did not get harder (or easier) instead my postures improved as did my strength.

    – the achy body every morning was not so good. Sometimes I would be tired during other parts of the day and found my balance to be off.

    – I fast-forwarded my practice in that I learned how to breath through the postures and learned to keep calm.

    – the best thing is to get into the Bikram room 20 minutes before class to absorb the heat just before class.

    – it became clear that I need to drink more water during the day.

    Thanks for this web site , I was on every night practically during the 30-day! Me, in bed with my laptop!
    Namaste . . . .

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