Going to class when ill?

Going to class when ill?2008-10-02T02:11:13+00:00
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  • SbutterAMfly
    Post count: 2

    I’ve recently started a hot power yoga class at a local studio, and absolutely love it. I’ve been going regularly for about 3-4 weeks, 2-3 classes a week. Over this past weekend I caught a pretty unpleasant bug, and have so far missed 2 of my regular classes, and am debating going to class tomorrow.

    Basically I have a pretty nasty sore throat, stuffy head, on and off nausea. I’m obviously going to play it by ear and see how I feel before the class. But in general, how do you guys judge if going to class feeling less than 100% is wise?


    Post count: 32

    I have not that unfortunate experience, but I have felt DOG TIRED after 0 hours of sleep or just not quite like myself. I know of others too have come w/ cold , fever , no sleep ect I say go for it!!!
    You are in control of of your practice and what you can do. Even if all you can do is lye in the hot room for the 90 min you are getting benefit and will leave feeling better. just be gentle take rest and remember you are taking care of yourself!! good luck

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi sAM

    That is a great question because not every one feels 100% everyday. So how do you work out when it is OK? And I am talking about being OK in your physical body, when you have an infection or ailment.

    Being infective is not a good time to go because it could compromise your healing, and more importantly compromise other students in the class. The moist and heated environment can make it more likely for things to breed and be a danger to others.

    When you feel you are on the mend, there is no reason why you can’t go and gently reintroduce yourself to the series. And remember to listen to your body and take it easy if you need to.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 2

    Thanks blue and Gabrielle for your replies! I decided not to go to class again this morning. My energy levels weren’t up, and I would rather not spread this to my fellow yogis. I’ll give myself a few more days to recover then attend my next regularly scheduled class on Saturday!

    In the mean-time I have a video I can follow at home. While it’s not in the heat, I’ll at least be able to get in a little yoga fix without feeling guilty about infecting everyone around me.

    Thanks again!

    Post count: 41

    I’ve gone to class ill. Meaning, with a light cold. I have always found that I am able to sweat it out. If I have muscle aches along with the feeling under the weather, the only posture I find I do not do is the 2nd set of camel. Something about that backbend.

    Post count: 26

    It must be that time of year. I’m also feeling sick. Lots of tightness in the sinuses, eyes itch, ears popping, all above the neck stuff. 😛

    I did go to class and felt a little better afterwards. Not my best class, but at least I was trying.

    No 2nd Camel Pose for me either Edge :red: I thought my head was going to explode after the 1st one. I found Rabbit to be great for opening up the sinuses.

    To attempt to keep my germs to myself, I bring tissues and a small zip lock bag so I can put the used tissues in a confined space. If the need to blow my nose arises, I make sure to wait for between poses.

    Feel better everyone!


    Post count: 7

    presently, I am fighting off a cold, and have signed up for a 30 day Bikram challange. I was concerned, not to mention disappointed, that I felt a cold coming on. I decided to attend the classes and just do what I could, as well as, see how I felt afterwards. I am attending my 4th consequtive class this afternoon. My cold symptoms have lessened, and I feel far better having gone to the class. The warmth of the room and the sweat seem to be a good recipe for my cold, not bringing it full on.


    Post count: 6

    Yoga is very healing. I have a compromised immune system and as good as I feel doing yoga I have also been infected by those that are ill. It takes me forever to get back on my feet. It is everyone’s right to practice. If someone in the room is ill, I would rather leave the room and practice another time. An announcement of your condition to the teacher (who is aware of students with health issues and can inform them) would be an easy compromise for everyone.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi droma 🙂

    it is a fine line isn’t it?

    As you say, that is an easy compromise, but you are the one being compromised. You get to know that others are sick but then you have to leave. I know it is your choice.

    I like the use of the word ‘resolution’ because it gives all parties’ needs a chance to be taken into account.

    This is a difficult one to make a decision on. Hey, I have never heard of it before, but I wonder what people would say if there were a small number of classes per week where people with minor infectious ailments were simply not permitted. This would potentially give a chance to immunologically suppressed students to feel 100% confident. Just throwing it out there as a point of discussion as I had never until now thought about it in this way.

    Tell me what you think, no holds barred. Who knows where it might take us.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 6

    Yes Gabrielle — it is a fine line. I don’t know how many people practice with a compromised immune system so a special class may not be feasible, but still a great idea. I believe common courtesy dictates that if you are contagious with a fever, sniffles, sneezing, and/or a cough you should stay away from the hot yoga room. Perhaps practicing on opposite sides of the yoga room and using a clean towel to open and close the studio door would be added safety measures when you are feeling under the weather and extra precautions for those with compromised immune systems.

    Thank you for your concern.


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