good for blood pressure?

good for blood pressure?2008-08-04T23:31:50+00:00
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  • tarah
    Post count: 7

    Hello, can someone explain why Cobra Pose is beneficial to those with high/low blood pressure?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Tarah

    When you do a backbend you are opening up your heart – in many ways. On an emotional level we clear *stuff*. Being more emotionally light is a way to regulate and normalize your blood pressure (over time with practice).

    On a physical level we are stretching the heart muscle giving it exercise. Cobra also requires a very strong or intense lower body muscle engagement from the hips down through the toes. To contract muscles means that you work harder because your muscles need some fuel to keep up, and of course the effects on your circulation around your working areas is like a tourniquet which means there is more work being done by the heart to pump your blood around. Your cardiac output increases and so does your stroke volume.

    Other ways that blood pressure is normalized is by the effect on the body’s systems. In this pose as in many others there is deep work occurring at a cellular level (to cleanse and open up the circulation) and also at a systemic level normalizing regulatory hormones for better functioning.

    All these benefits happen in some way, shape and form with most yoga poses.

    I hope that helps steer you in the right direction.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 7

    Thanks Gabrielle,
    I recently completed Bikram Yoga Teacher Training this past spring in Acapulco. I have been looking over some notes and remember Bikram saying that Cobra Pose, in particular, is beneficial to those with high blood pressure. I appreciate your help in understanding this further. I am finding out that there is so much more to learn as I begin teaching this wonderful series!

    Many thanks,

    Robert Scanlon (Webmaster)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 266

    Hey Tarah – this is now well off-topic, but I’m just following these posts and wanted to offer congratulations to you!

    Feel free to share your teaching experiences and your journey here anytime!

    If you have photos etc I’m in the process of upgrading the site to get the extra functionality, so I’d be happy to be pushed into doing that. You can always email them to me in the meantime and we’ll upload them.

    Just a thought. No pressure!


    (Webmaster, fellow yogi and spouse of The Hot Yoga Doctor)

    Post count: 7

    Thank you Robert!
    I feel very lucky, as I am bound to have an incredible journey with Bikram Yoga. I wake up every day, excited about teaching as well as bringing my practice to higher levels. I look forward to sharing my experiences on this forum.

    My camera was not working properly during training (sigh), but there are many wonderful photos posted on the teacher training site:

    Many thanks,

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