Had a bad summer: Need motivation

Had a bad summer: Need motivation2012-09-15T19:47:07+00:00
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  • mzsocialworker1
    Post count: 103

    I have an unlimited membership at my studio and I admit I had a really bad summer in keeping up my practice.

    Maybe I attended 20 classes in total. I just found/find myself not wanting to make the committment. It’s so easy to get involved in other things, even if that means just lounging in the backyard.

    I never regret going to class, even if the class is a struggle. How do I find my motivation again?

    I know they say the hardest thing about class is just making it TO class……….this is where I find myself constantly right now and I hate it.


    Post count: 10


    I think you’ve already hit the nail on the head when you said, “I never regret going to class”. You already have your motivation right there! I know what you mean though. Sometimes it’s just so easy to tell yourself you’ll go tomorrow, or that you have A, B and C to do that are more important. But what’s more important than your own happiness and health? I often have to force myself to go to class, but once I’m there, I’m always happy with my decision. The biggest force you have to overcome is yourself 😉

    Good luck!

    Post count: 21

    You went 20 times! Good for you!
    I know being busy can get in the way, or we let it get in the way. Also, maybe just go once, be gentle with yourself and your body when you go, do the best you can what ever you choose to do in that class. Enjoy the class by not pushing too hard or too fast.

    I make sure I do not over schedule myself so I get in my practice. I use my calendar and am very realistic on how long things take me.

    Good luck!

    Post count: 103

    Thanks ladies.

    This is helpful.

    I am going to try to plan more for the days I will attend/target the amount of classes I want to make in one month.

    I also have the mindset when I go to a class, if I haven’t been there in several days that I won’t push myself.

    I end up having a good class that way.

    I think once fall/winter sets in I will get back into it more.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Allison

    One way to set yourself up for success is to actually pack everything you need for yoga and put it in the most appropriate place. Have 2 sets of clothing and 2 sets of yoga towels ready. One in the bag (next to the front door, in the car or wherever) and the other lot ready to place with your mat when you get home.

    That way you’re good to go. The other thing is to have a proper plan. Don’t just say “I will go to yoga 3 times this week”. That is possibly not as powerful as “I will go to the 5:30 pm class this Monday and Thursday and the 8am class on Saturday”. Set it up and make it happen by being as specific as you can.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 21

    I do that too! I have a bag all set with towel, yoga clothes, headband. I keep my mat in the car. I have a note on the bag to remind me to bring my electrolyte water and other water. I keep my water bottles ready in the kitchen. Being ready for the next class is very helpful! Plus, I love the idea of getting older and staying flexible and strong as I age!!!

    Post count: 103

    Bleh, I’ve fallen back into another rut.

    I had a good March, but this past April I only went to 3 classes. 3! And I didn’t not go for any really good reason.

    I went back this morning first thing, so I’d have my whole day ahead of me. It was a really rough class.

    I had to stop in the 2nd posture and that is so not like me. Even my toes hurt today!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Allison

    Hanging in there? I know it’s been a week but are you back on the yoga-wagon?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 103

    Well I went 3 times last week so I am already at a much better place than last month. I think I need to stick to 2-3 classes a week as being a realistic goal for me with my busy life.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Yep indeed Allison! When you timetable opens up, or when you open it up (hehehe) the yoga room will still be there for you!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 1

    Even if you wrote that message more than one year ago I would like to give you my personal answer. I am new year, but I really would love to talk you about my last experience.
    I was really tired and stressed about one year ago, my husband and I were full of job and we didn’t have time for ourself. Yoga has always been one of the most relaxing activities I have ever done. I can practice it in my city after work and spend a couple of hours far away from my engagements. I believe that that’s the only one thinh that helps me to get relaxed.
    When I was too tired to go on my instructor suggested me to try this yoga retreat:

    It has been a wonderful experience because I had te possibility to go back to nature, visit new places and practice yoga.
    Trust me, leaving everything for a couple of weeks helped me a lot!

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