Has anyone ever had one of those awful classes for no reason?

Has anyone ever had one of those awful classes for no reason?2010-06-02T23:33:31+00:00
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  • Trixiebelle
    Post count: 9

    I think I need a bit of fellow Bikram wishes!

    I am just out of one of those classes when I was able to do NOTHING – I was all off kilter from the start and never found myself. Even with postures I usually like, I just lay there – fed up and frustrated and then….dare I admit it – lazy.

    I have not been in a month and went last night. That was fine. As always (due to awful chronic sinus condition) it takes me a while to get climitised.

    Then tonight I was all geared up and from the backward bend in Half Moon, I could do no more. I think I went back a bit too far, wobbled and at same time saw the awful bright ceiling lights in my eyes and that was me ……. from there on in, I was useless – barely able to keep going at all. Then all I could imagine was the banana from an hour before returning to visit, the heat and there was general negative vibes with me (all from myself) – I can’t even complain about an annoying neighbour.

    I did get myself around by Camel – mainly as I wanted any emotion to come to the fore (I was still trying to figure out what the hell was up) …..no emotion either – No even dizzyness at that bit!!

    Anyway – I admit – I feel low tonight for the first time even after leaving Bikram.

    I am planned to go tomorrow and in the immortal words of Scarlett O’Hara – “Tomorrow is another day”

    Just wondering is it me – am I in weird form? am I lacking energy? where does the lazy vibe come from?

    And more importantly …… when this “spell” hits any of you out there – how do you “kick your ass” and keep moving before drifting off

    Thanks – I would love any advice!

    PS – it was not the teacher – she is fabulous

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Fiona

    It was all you!!! You’re right not to blame the teacher. 😆

    Seriously though, it seems you were stuck in your thoughts and then the judgment of your thoughts. That can be a vicious cycle. I don’t think there’s a person on this forum who hasn’t rehashed thoughts and feelings over and over again in their lives or in their classes.

    If you think about it (hahaha) it was just your inability to be present. There you were thinking about bananas, bright lights, wobbling, wondering why you were lazy and then judging yourself for not getting up … and I bet the list could go on for ever.

    We’ve all been there somehow, sometime. Our humanness allows us something that no other being on earth has and that is to notice our own process. You can think. Yes! But you can also OBSERVE the thinker. In doing so you stand at ‘arm’s length’ from the thinker. It is in this way that when you notice that you’re on a train of thought or judgment or whatever… that you can ‘get off the train and watch the train go by’. This then allows you to be present to notice your sensations, and yes to notice more thoughts bubbling up! 😉

    I have no platitudes for you. I can however simply remind you that you are NOT your thoughts.

    What can you do? Observe your thoughts and stop identifying with them. They are not you. This is partly what you’re practicing yoga for. To dust the mountain off and find the gold buried beneath. There’s an old parable about that. If it rains and you discover the gold, you can worship the rain. But the dust will settle again. It’s not the rain that uncovers the magic it is your own ability to dig a little deeper. Sift through the rubble of your thinking mind and access that peaceful, non-judgmental, calm, observant being that does the yoga and accepts what is.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 356

    there are somedays when we need to push and some when we need to relax (be lazy 😉 ) It is not a ‘bad’ class because we took it easy…. it just is a class like any other and had its own teachings and merits. I could offer suggestions and things I do when I get in a funk……. but it would just sound hocky pocky
    The truth is we are all human and all have days and sometimes just need to ride it out.

    Post count: 9

    Thank you so much!

    Gabrielle, your words of encouragement and the dedication you put into a fullsome and wise reply always amaze me. You really do take the time out to think about a concern and help as best you can. It does show a real love for – not just yoga – but on someone doing a class or pose to the best of their ability.

    Just to report – went to Class tonight and it was the best class EVER…. my postures were great – strong and committed and was able to persevere to the end with no problems and doing everything.

    All Bananas, Lights, overanalysing were left behind!

    I hope this inspires anyone who is having a bad day/spell/generally lost their Bikram mojo!


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Fiona,

    If the blushing smiley was cuter I would use it! You flatter me enormously. Thanks so much. I am happy I can make a difference.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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