Has Bikram yoga NOT worked for you??

Has Bikram yoga NOT worked for you??2009-03-03T04:02:00+00:00
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  • yogafan
    Post count: 16

    any and all responses appreciated.

    i am looking to tone up and definitely lose fat, especially lower body.

    Post count: 5

    That’s a tough question. I am a 55 year old overweight woman. (about 40 lbs) I started Hot Yoga in August of last year going about 3 times a week. I completed a 90 day challenge on January 5th – 90 classes in 90 days. I have to say that I was disappointed that my body did not change that much…I am Slightly leaner but my clothes all fit pretty much the same. The discipline was good for me, and I found that I feel MUCH better when I attend class regularly. My state of mind is calmer, my body feels Present and engaged. I had really hoped this would be the answer for me as I have battled with my weight my whole life. I haven’t given up though! I can feel that my body Really appreciates this type of workout – and so am going to give it until this winter to see if I notice any significant change. I have tried many things in my life to trim down – even ran a marathon for my 50th! Weight training gave me the most dramatic results – but I am looking for a gentler approach to keeping in shape for the years to come.

    I DO know lots of people for whom Hot Yoga totally changed the look of their bodies. Just do it and enjoy it I say…you’ll find that it’s a gift you will give yourself that gives you joy beyond your physical body.


    Post count: 16

    anyone else? someone i know told me they toned up well from bikram, but did not lose any lower body fat. i’m starting to feel the same way myself and think that maybe i should alternate bikram with something else.

    Post count: 16

    Hmmm I’ve been practicing for a year [around 3-5 times a week, doubles on weekends *IF* I can] and I can say lower body fat, especially the lower abdomen, is tough to lose. But I’ve noticed once I’ve started sucking my stomach in for Pranayama, awkward and eagle, it’s worked wonders to help … lessen the appearance of Lil Miss Jell-o 😀

    Also, I’ve cut down on my alcohol intake, so that could also be a reason why Lil Miss Jell-o seems to be going the way of the dodo.

    Try not to feel pressured about how your body looks like, but instead focus on how GREAT you feel after class! The flab will melt off eventually, but remember, you’re working your body from inside out, bones to skin, fingertips to toes. 🙂


    Post count: 16

    i would really appreciate if any pear shapes have had any success or failure with bikram

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Annie

    I am reading your post and feel it is a real plea – perhaps a desperate one because you are not getting what you perceive to be fast enough results for you. I know and am familiar with this perception from years of teaching other students with similar practice aims and even in myself when I was wanting to tone up after our girl was born.

    You so want to hear that it will work for you. Perhaps you are looking in the mirror each class and wondering “when is it going to happen for ME”.

    Maybe others have said it is THE way to lose weight and shape. Please remember that everybody is different and every body is different. We are made up uniquely and respond to our environments uniquely: what we eat, how we move, what we drink, when we drink it, etc etc etc. Perhaps however, one of THE most important things is What You Believe.

    Maybe you are one of millions who believes that whatever you eat goes to your hips. Maybe you believe that you are pear shaped and nothing will change that.

    A little tool for you to try in your practice that may help you reprogram your thoughts and beliefs is to; say stuff like this to yourself in class (or outside ;): ‘my fat is melting away, ‘I can feel the fat breaking down’, ‘this is making my body healthier and leaner’, ‘today I am leaner and healthier than I was yesterday’. I can see that I look better in the mirror every day!!!!

    I wrote this last paragraph to a woman in a personal email just a couple of weeks ago. She gave me permission to reproduce her words. By the way this woman is 50 pounds overweight (from memory):

    Yes, visualization tool has been helping me. Mine is, I am lean, long, fit and strong! I am beautiful. Capable. Healthy and prosperous! And before every practice I ask the universe to use my body, my mind and soul to work a miracle. And it does! 🙂

    I wonder if you are thinking stuff like that or maybe your mind is awash with frustration and fear that you may never change. If I could finish with this: let go of your negative feelings, just observe them. Don’t get so attached to losing weight. As others have said before, notice how great you feel after class, notice how you look better, feel better in your clothes. And as I have often said even elsewhere in the forum, go as often as you can, make it 4 times minimum and aim for 5+ per week. You may see nothing happen for a while and then one day you will wonder how you couldn’t see your shape change creating your new beautiful body.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 10

    I did hot yoga for 6 months, 5 days a week. I felt great, but of course I too wanted weight & inch loss. Neither happened (I’m 44 and would like to lose about 100 lbs.) and I got discouraged and quit.

    Recently I restarted my practice, along with writing and reading blogs of others’ experiences with Bikram, and that sometimes the weight doesn’t come off for quite a while – months, years, even. Like so many things in life, I know that the moment you let go of something is when it can actually happen for you. And I am so not there yet. LOL

    Thank you, Gabrielle, for posting about affirmations. I realize I do spend a lot of mental time in frustration and fear that I’ll never change. I’ve gone on so many diets, cleanses, and regimens but I never really worked on the self-talk. Mental yoga is just as important!

    Post count: 6

    I have had success losing weight with Bikram. I do not have a scale but I definatly am smaller more compact and I really think my legs are longer! I go about three times a week sometimes more sometimes less. Within one month I was at least one pant size smaller and (unfortunalty for me one bra size) I did not have a plan ie: diet. I just started to listen to what I wanted and believe it or not it was not chips, ceral, butter etc. so I just did not overthink it I did not panic and it just happened by itself. My food interests have completely changed…it is no longer this big priority to me. I have had a little holiday hiatus cocktailing a bit so I am nerveous to go to Yoga…I will be the one shaking until I get all of that out of my system! Good Luck!

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