healing back injuries

healing back injuries2009-01-28T04:42:18+00:00
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  • rubee
    Post count: 4

    HI All, I am 1 and 1/2 yrs past an accident and injury to my lower spine. It was severe. I am grateful to be moving. In the last 2 months I have been trying to build a practice in Bikram. I have not been able to maintain any exercise program and have not gotton past 3 days in Bikram with out triggering my back and having to rest it up. I believe I have identified the main ones triggering which is the picking up of my foot (just that part I have no ability to kick out with my tight hamstrings) so I have backed up that pose to just balancing on one foot and not even bending over at all. The other is the hands laced over the feet in the floor stretch head to knee. If I push at all my sacrum goes out.
    When I hear just keep going even if it hurts this goes against what I believe! I would like to hear how to keep going without causing a trigger that means I can’t walk for days. Should I get some personal attention to find out just how I can modify but stay in these poses?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi rubee

    I am so sorry your experience so far has been not only unrewarding but extremely dangerous.

    You are hearing your own voice warning you not to proceed. Do NOT go against it. It is your protective reflex. Just like pulling your hand away from a hot stove.

    I am positive that in at least the 2 poses you mention that you can make some great progress. I am also positive that if you read the posts associated with those poses you will work out what to do. And if something is confusing come right back and ask.

    To start with go to this post for a great way to deal with not being able to round over to ‘pick up’ the foot. By the way if the words ‘pick up the foot’ are being used you are at risk of doing exactly that and causing lower spine damage. So read this post: cannot reach my feet.

    And then take a look at how to set up Head to Knee on the floor. This is one of 3 threads on this pose. Read them all when you have the chance: Problems deepening into this pose.

    See what you think. Go and try some new stuff with a new awareness and come back and let me know how it is going.

    The other things I want to know: How is your core strength? Have you done some pilates core strengthening to recondition your muscles? Are you relying on Bikram yoga to do that for you?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 4

    I was in super shape when I injured but have not been able to maintain a program in a the whole year and a half. I am well trained and conscious how I use my core but had hoped Bikram would do it all. Since injured I have not been able to work much consecutivly either so I don’t have funds for pilates privates although I could seee the benefit if I found a good teacher to work with. I did it for years and have some tapes but I know the ab series I have actually triggers this spot as well. Basically I am using Bikrams for the heat and sweat detox while challenging myself with the postures and what I think I am learning has most of all to do with ego because , I was so fit and strong that now I have to keep backing up to what the is the very beginner-ist place to start and not keep trying to jump to where I used to be… does that makes sense? I really need to learn how to lock that knee, it takes all my concentration and I used to use my other hyper flexible spots to get around my not so flexible ones which who knows maybe is why this spot in my back became vulnerable.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi rubee

    Thanks for responding. I have faith that you are approaching it all well. Activating core muscles is easier when you know how. Since you know how, then your yoga practice can incorporate these skills.

    What you say does make sense. And I like your observation about the hyperflexible bits compensating for the not so flexible bits. Your injury may actually help teach you how to find more of a balance of strength and flexibility, effort and surrender.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 4

    Thank you Gabrielle , I appreciate your forum. I feel a little more confident. I love your approach and practicality. I will soon add you great looking book to my collection as I think practice at home in front of the fireplace could be good as well as class! I finally feel ready to develope a practice. Meanwhile at the top of my pose I always express gratitude that I can be doing at all. (I had some fears I never would again)

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