Heat-Induced Freak-Out

Heat-Induced Freak-Out2008-11-14T21:58:47+00:00
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  • kellybelly
    Post count: 15

    Anyone ever have something like a heat-induced panic attack? Yesterday, after a challenging but rewarding standing series, I lay down for savasana and then my mind really did a number on me in pavana muktasana, or wind-removing pose. I started thinking it was too hot to breathe, like I couldn’t get enough air, like I was suffocating. Concentrating on slowing my breath made it worse — I couldn’t. I don’t even remember how I talked myself down, but it was scary. The rest of class was not pleasant, but I made it without bolting from the room. I had to drastically scale back my effort, though.

    Just so you know, the humidity in my New Orleans studio is not always controlled, and it can get very cloying in there. Also, the temperature seems to vary from class to class, though not as much as the humidity, and yesterday’s class was especially hot. That said, no one else seemed to be suffering like I was, which makes me think it was mental rather than physical.

    Does anyone have any very specific techniques you use to grab the reins when your mind starts to spin out?



    Post count: 220

    When I want to bolt from the room, I narrow my mind, breathe slowly, listen to the words and just tell myself to concentrate on perfecting the form, just do the pose a little bit but have perfect form, just listen, concentrate, listen, concentrate, perfect form ….

    Post count: 356

    When my mind starts to panic I do a couple of things
    1. tell myself I’ve done this a million times before and I can do it this time as well.
    2. Let myself feel safety in the fact that I don’t HAVE to do anything but stay and breathe if I have to kneel I can
    3. count my breathe cycles like people count sheep to fall asleep

    I had some thing that did not agree w/ my body once before class and was feeling REALLY sick. during locust I wanted SO bad to just leave and throw up!! I knew I wasn’t THAT sick however ;-P and just kept counting and doing. It did pass and I felt much better after class. Just thought I’d share my experience and let you know that yes there are times when I’m dying and everyone seems fine and there are times when I’m feeling awesome and others are leaving or kneeling. I just go in and try (not easy) to only think about MY yoga and just go through the process.

    Post count: 15

    Yep — both of the above make good, good sense. Specifically, narrow the mind, concentrate on form, and remember that I’ve done it many times and can do it again. Thank you both!

    Post count: 58

    This has happened to me.

    Sick to my stomach, had to get out of there, but I refused. I had to lay there, focus on one spot and breathe, slowly, in through the nose for count of 6, deep and then out slowly controlled getting as much oxygen to my heart and lungs as possible…focusing on breathing not the freak out thoughts in my mind as much as possible.

    Post count: 2

    Hi Kellybelly,

    I had a panic attack just once, briefly. Anyway, I concentrated on my breathing, deep, deep, deep, in and out through the nose, it passed quickly.

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