Heat Rash

Heat Rash2009-11-20T08:11:29+00:00
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  • Kelzalulu
    Post count: 9

    Hi All

    I would like your advice.

    I naturally enjoy the heat and have never really suffered from heat rash, but I have the last couple of weeks. I have been swimming some mornings and have to moisturise because the chlorine dries out my skin. However, I think that the combination of moisturising in the morning and then attending bikram in the evening is causing the heat rash on my arms (only present on my arms which are obviously not covered during practice). However, I am washing the moisturiser off before practice. So this is very strange, but it is the only theory I have.

    Has anyone else had a similar experience and has any advice? Perhaps someone can recommend a moisturiser which wont have the same effect? I should also mention that we have been experiencing unseasonable warmth and a recording breaking heat wave where I live, so maybe that is the cause, but the rash is more pronounced after class.

    Thanks for your help.

    Post count: 1

    I have hair follicle infection from Hot Yoga. Does anyone else have this and how can I go back to Hot yoga an avoid this?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    2 lulus!

    Hi Kelzalulu

    Some things to ponder:
    Is it the chlorine and the moisturiser? Have you tried something more simple for example? A plain natural oil. A moisturiser with tea-tree oil?
    What happens if you don’t use moisturiser after swimming? With the incredible heat you have been experiencing there could be other issues with dehydration.
    This might not be possible but what happens if you swim in the sea?
    Is there anything else? Something to do with your arms like you’ve waxed them. Maybe you’ve recently changed a beauty product or a washing powder. I realise that I don’t know if you mean the rash is all over or on the outside (where hair is present) or on the inside of your arm.

    Hi Lulu23

    May I ask whether your infection is at the site of hair removal and where? Or is it on the scalp? Is this a one-off incident or does it recur?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 24

    Hi lulu’s!

    Tea tree oil is awesome – my medicine cabinet is never without it. It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, super strong, and you can use it pretty much everywhere except in your eyes. The smell can be a bit overpowering if you use it straight; but there are lots of good soaps and shampoos that are more bearable…

    Kelzalulu – Have you tried moisturizing *before* swimming? If you have fair or sensitive skin, chlorine can do more than dry out your skin, it can cause teeny abrasions… which can also make your skin more susceptible to bacterial/fungal infections. (<- this, BTW, was the cause of about 6 bouts of swimmer's ear for me as a kid – and why I quit lessons and never learned to swim LOL!)

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