Help! Excessive Tiredness

Help! Excessive Tiredness2010-04-11T01:11:02+00:00
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  • zpadin
    Post count: 3

    Hi! thanks so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me on this topic.

    I just started hot yoga 3 weeks ago. Following the advice of the teacher I went almost every day in the first two weeks. The challenge is I go to the 11 am class and afterward I’m completely out of commission, tired and sleepy. Can’t work and can’t do anything, depleted of energy.

    The teacher said this was a normal reaction for a beginner, due to all the toxins release and the fact I wasn’t physically active before taking this classes.

    Before posting this message, I’ve read other postings on the similar concerns and have followed the advise (drink plenty water before class, electrolytes drinks, ect..)

    Still, took a break of 3 days and went back today to experience the same! I come home have lunch and then fall as sleep and simply can’t functioning – no energy.

    By now It’s been 3 weeks going hot yoga and wondering if this is not for me 🙁

    Any suggestions? advice?

    Could it be that my body is reacting adversely and as much as I love it – is not good for me?

    Shall I go to the doctor? which test I can do to figure out what’s missing –
    impacting the body?

    thanks in advance!


    PD: great job with the site, I learned a lot…

    Post count: 103

    I would try doing classes at different times of the day or night to see when you do best. I have found that I just do not do as well during the morning classes. Late afternoon or the 8PM class works best for me.

    Post count: 18

    Hi! so sorry you are having this problem. I have experienced this because of chronic illnesses and interference with a medication that messes with the heat regulatory system of the body. I thought I was drinking enough water, but my studio was way hotter than it should have been and I got heat exhaustion.

    Make sure you are drinking several liters of water on days you don’t do the yoga, and 4 or more when you do the yoga, or until there is no color of your urine in the toilet…sorry for the description. 😆 Another thing that is very important is what you are eating hours before the class and then later during the day. Maybe others like Gabrielle, can help you with that. The other thing is that everyone is different in the time it takes to recover from a class. I would try fewer times per week til you get something that is managable and only then increase one class at a time.

    Good luck. Try to be patient with things, it will be worth it, but do listen to your body.



    Post count: 3

    Thanks for the ideas.

    About the time, I’ll go tomorrow @ the 7 pm class to see how that works.

    About what I’m eating, I wake up around 9.00 am – class starts @ 11 am and in studio laying down by 10.45. Usually I eat something super light(only fruit a banana or couple strawberries)

    The first day of classes I used to eat more (cereal, oatmeal) but my digestion didn’t agree and it was uncomfortable. On an almost empty stomach feels better. But I see that after I have lunch when the digestion stats, I’m wiped out and fall asleep on the couch!

    Gabrielle, can you give me any advice on what to eat? when? and how to manage this situation – excessive tiredness.

    Anything else I shall consider to find a way to make hot yoga a part of my life.

    Ahh about the toxins release, is it true that the body releases lots of toxins with the postures and this can be the cause of my drowsiness?

    thanks in advance for all your help and support,


    Post count: 9

    I had the same feeling quite often after yoga when I first started, but after a while it stopped happening. I do remember going for a nanna-nap after morning classes quite often. A half-hour nap usually fixed me right up though.

    These days I don’t get that feeling any more, in fact I think I sleep a bit less than before.

    Generally I have a banana and a cup of coffee (addict!), and several glasses of water before a morning class, when I get up a bit over an hour before. If I’m up for longer I eat more. A piece of toast or something like that that’s easy to digest might be the go. The other thing that I recently realised was that I might not be getting enough magnesium. Increased magnesium has eradicated the occasional headaches I used to get after class.

    Hope that helps.


    Post count: 3

    Rachel, thanks for the tips and the hope 🙂
    I love the class and don’t want to stop.

    Today I had a blood test to also check if there’s anything missing…
    I have magnesium at home will start taking it agai to see what happens…



    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi zp

    That’s great! To have a base point from which to work is very wise. I’ve said it quite a lot lately but if you don’t use proper unrefined salt instead of table salt that is a great place to start. It completely reverses the common belief that salt is bad for you.

    If you’re wiped out after class – just as Valeria and Allison suggest – go late in the day and try perhaps a little less frequently and work your way up to your best rhythm.

    It really is quite common for people to have all kinds of reactions while their systems are normalizing. But, systems are more prone to upset if there is an underlying lack somewhere.

    Please keep us updated

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 42

    Hey Z!
    I have nothing to add to these folks’ wonderful replies except to share my own experience and second their opinions. The first couple of months I’d feel pretty depleted for the rest of the day if I took an a.m. class, into the next day if I took an evening class. This would happen maybe 30% of the time. After a couple of months, though, this normalized. I may feel like crap in the hot room some days, but by the time I’ve showered and am in the car I feel great.

    It’s great you’re getting tested. I too take magnesium–I think it’s 250 mgs/day. Helps avoid headache and with stomach issues.

    Post count: 10

    I was having the same problem up until two weeks ago. It may sound strange, but staying in the hot room in the corpse pose for about ten minutes after class has ended has really helped me. It sounds counterintuitive I know! But now instead of walking out all tired and spent, I walk out feeling refreshed 🙂

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