Help me stay motivated

Help me stay motivated2010-09-21T10:27:19+00:00
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  • ElleE
    Post count: 12

    Hello everyone,

    I as on this forum previously couple months ago inquiring about Bikram Yoga check first thread ( and got some amazing advice from Gabrielle. Well a lot has happened in my life, my aunt got cancer and this was very hard on me. I also lost all motivation and never attended my first class. I was ashamed and just didn’t feel motivated. Well since then I have decided, enough is ENOUGH. I have spent a good $500 so far on a great mat, towel, running shoes and I want to start getting fit. I want to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight.

    I am a bit nervous about my first class. I am planning on attending a by Friday. I have emailed with the director and told her that I was overweight and she actually sent me a newsletter with an article about one of the teachers having lost some 50kg. This also motivated me a bit.

    My problem is, I lose motivation fairly quickly and easily fall into a trap of my own excuses. How do you stay motivated? What inspires you to attend a class? I just don’t want to lose focus. I don’t want to fail because unless I start this, I don’t know how else to “get out there” and start trying to be fit. I just hope I can get some support here. I realize this all needs to be my own doing, my decision and only I can truly do this for myself, but I seem to easily fall of the track and I don’t want to fail. I want to be healthy.

    Post count: 356

    they key to staying motivated when it comes to a big lifestyle change like this (not just yoga but your aspirations of health and loosing weight ) is to go slow and keep it realistic, dont tell yourself your going to give everything up and attend 6 classes a week ect. start with small goals (like going to your first class!! ) and go from there mark each success

    Post count: 58

    I have lost motivation in every exercise I have done, except yoga. Why? Because I actually LIKE doing yoga. In doing exercise you have to choose something you like. I kept trying to do what was popular, gyms, walking, running. Then I decided I needed to try something different. Yoga.

    I stay motivated because I feel good after, I don’t hurt or dread the next class. I am motivated because I want to see if I can balance longer in some of the postures or not lay in Savasana as much. I stay motivated because when I leave yoga I no longer am focused on stressful things and my body is relaxed.

    I started yoga to lose weight and I see that happening, but I continue for all the above reasons.

    Post count: 20

    well you have to set your self some mini goals. Like pay for a month and say to your self you are going to go every Tues and Friday for that month without fail. Also for your first class you will find it pretty hard going so dont be discouraged. You will feel like stopping and lying down because it will seem too hot so dont worry about it. In my first class I had to lie down after 15min because I felt like I was going to pass out lol. It happens to everyone. Just hydrate well before your class and let us know how you go.

    Post count: 42

    I don’t think there’s an easy answer to the “staying motivated” question, Elle, but I sympathize with you. It IS hard to stay motivated to do strenuous and expensive activity. Fortunately, with yoga, the strenuous part is only 90 minutes long, and the rest of your day truly does feel like the proverbial cheesecake with blueberries on top 😉

    But the others have good suggestions. Set the goals small: start by going twice a week, three if you can get there. And just make it a habit. You wash your hair every day? Go out to dinner on Tuesday nights? You go to yoga on Wednesdays and Fridays. The habit gradually becomes easy, and before you know it (well, Ok, more like after a couple of months of regular practice), you’re looking forward to going to class. Let us know how it goes!

    Post count: 12

    Thank you all very much! I really appreciate the support.

    I went!

    I went to my first Bikram Yoga class and I failed! I had to leave the room 2 times and vomited both times. I was only doing the first 2-3 poses and could no longer do it.

    I mentioned before. I am very overweight. My toes can’t touch each other very easily and I felt much pain when trying to put them together. I tried to join in for the rest of the class, but I just felt really nauseous and literally Needed AIR!

    I felt if I didn’t leave I’d have vomited right there. The first time I tried to leave the instructor told me to try and stay in the room, and I did try, really and truly until I felt so sick to my stomach I literally needed to get out. As soon as I got out I ran to the bathroom and had to vomit.

    I felt embarrassed and sad, but I went back in. Second time same thing happened and she actually checked up on me and said it was best if I tried to stay in the room. I went back and stayed there for the duration of the class, either sitting now or in savasana .

    The teacher is pleasant enough. I was hoping to be taught by a teacher Gabrielle recommended, I went to that particular studio,she did join the class, however no longer teaches.

    The people seemed friendly enough, all though I did get some of “THOSE” looks. When we all got out, some girls told me I did good for my first class and to just try and give my best shot. They also said today as REALLY HOT in the room (more than usual0? I’m not sure. There seems to be some politics between the instructor and some of the girls, I saw some of them complaining about the heat being too high, that in a way put me off, but I kept quiet.

    I was encouraged by two ladies to come again and just give it a good try.

    Even though my experience is far from good, I WILL go back and see how I go.

    The rive home wasn’t that good. A lot of traffic 1+ hour and I felt kind of light headed…

    Post count: 20

    Nice effort, it must have taken a lot of courage. Next time you should find it easier as your heart will have less anxiety to contend with. Also I would suggest going on a few quick power walks (15min) during the week just to increase your ability to take in oxygen. This will help your breathing when it seems difficult in the heat.

    Post count: 9

    JIPPIE!! Good for you!! I am so proud of you going back the second time. As said by Gus, that takes a lot of courage.

    Please let us know how your second time is (I just assume that there will be a second time!).

    And as for the heat, I found it difficult to believe when I was a total novice, but you get actually used to the heat and you do not find it ‘offensive’ anymore.

    Post count: 12

    Maya, Gus! Thank you so much! I really appreciate the encouragement. Well I just got back from my second class (got up at 4:55 to get there for 6am class).
    It was a different teacher and I introduced myself to her, told her yesterday evening was my first class and if I need to go out, I hope it’s okay. She was really pleasant and really nice.

    I did much better today and actually tried to do many of the postures. I did feel sick at times and sat out a lot also. All in all I think I did okay for second class, my poses look ridiculous because I am extremely overweight, many like the tree I cant even do, but I try at least with my hands.

    The teacher was so encouraging and what I really liked about her was, she encouraged me, she helped me adjust my postures and was really pleasant about it all. I really appreciated that. At the end I was just sitting down and she asked me to join in for the breathing exercise, I tried but literally had to vomit and she saw that I was holding it back. She said “babe, it’s okay if you need to go”. I walked out, went to the bathroom, freshened up and came back for savasana. Relaxed a bit and that was the end.
    We had a bit of a chat after class and she said, she tries to encourage people to do the breathing, but she saw I was feeling sick and everything was good.

    I am thinking of perhaps taking a day break, tomorrow is Friday and the traffic is just awful (plus no morning class) and perhaps going on Saturday.

    I realized also I need to do other for of exercise, so I will start with walking and maybe join a gym. The only thing about the gym which is currently putting me off is the $200 joining fee, I’ve spent about $500 for clothes, running shoes, mat, towel and such items and currently another $200 on top of a 3 month fee is just a bit much. I’ll see if they have some specials. What do you guys think?

    Thank you so much for the support.

    Post count: 20

    mmm yes it can all become pretty expensive. Personally I think 2 hot yoga classes a week is a good place to start for a beginner. You could even do a normal non heat yoga class (closer to home) just to work on poses and balance without the heat. You just need to be careful that you goals are small to start with otherwise it all becomes too much.

    For you I’d start with just 2 hot yoga classes a week (especially given the distance) and a few power walks in between. Make your yoga days specific days that fit in with you and try to finish one month and build from there. I’d skip the $200 gym membership for now but remember if you feel motivated you can always go and pay a one off fee of $15 – $20 dollars or something and join in their classes (bike, pilates, dance).

    Also with the hot yoga it will probably be easier for you not to do early classes as you have to get up way too early which is not good for you 🙂

    Post count: 58

    I am sooooo proud of you! You actually went back after vomiting! You are a strong and determined person.

    I am also overweight, by about 90lbs. It hurt my ankles to put my heels and toes together, but I am noticing them getting stronger. I have never made it through a class without laying down. My heart rate gets too high and I do get a bit nauseated, that is my body telling me it needs to lay down. So I understand exactly how it’s going for you.

    It gets easier every time. I think you are so awesome for going and sticking to it. Oh, and I get light heading or spacy after, I need to sit afterward at the studio and drink some electrolyte drink or something and rest before I drive.

    Good luck to you and let us know how it goes.


    Post count: 12

    Just a quick update, I am going out to visit some family, but wanted you all to know I went to my third class this morning. It was a 8am class, I did not leave once! I lasted the whole time, but I did feel light headed and did have to sit or lie down a bit at times. I am definitely noticing some change from the first class, but I know I’ve got a very long way to go.
    My main problem is the feeling sick during class, weight of course restricts poses. I am planning on joining a gym, but still checking out the ones in my area.

    Those of you in Melbourne, does anyone go to curves, Fernwood or Fenix? What are your experiences?
    I am really trying to eat healthy and this is a struggle at times, because salads have no taste! I however know, I can’t eat crap and lose weight. I also know, I need to be more active alongside of Yoga!

    Post count: 20

    I’m just starting to change what I eat after reading Tonya Zavasta’s books about raw food. Really inspired me. I dont think I can go 100% raw but maybe one day. The part I liked the most about her philosophy is having the smallest meal at night or not at all. She stops eating at 2pm (extreme) ! My biggest meal has usually been at night but they say if you have it at lunchtime you will lose a lot of weight. So if I can suggest anything it is to have the salad at night and preferably as early as possibly. This combined with the bikram and you will see really really amazing results…

    Post count: 220

    Isn’t it funny in life how you’ve never heard or seen something, then once you discover it, it shows up everywhere?!!

    This time I’m talking about Tonya Savasta. I’d never heard of her until two weeks ago, then suddenly everywhere I turn her name comes up! Two girls at yoga were talking about her, one had been to a seminar she gave. Another friend was raving about her raw diet, and now I hear about it on this forum! Never ceases to amaze me.

    Anyway, I did send for one of her books, which got me dragging my old juicer out of the basement, polishing it up and getting it going again. The reason I put it in the basement probably 5 years ago is I did not like the wastage with all the fiber going out the back end of the juicer.

    Then in the same week, actually, the same day we were digging out the juicer, we saw an infomercial by Montel Williams telling us about his wonderful HealthMaster juicer/emulcifier, which has such a big motor (2 hp) that all veggies and fruit are emulicied instantly and nothing goes out the back end. I’ve since sent for one and can’t wait till it gets here! Montel Williams has MS and says he has really improved his quality of life by his juicing diet.

    It’s all so very interesting. Tonya Zavasta has written an excellent book dealing with hot yoga and juicing. Well worth reading!

    Post count: 20

    Yes I’m reading some of it now on google books. She certainly is at the extreme of what she does. She starts her day with vegetable juice then some fruit. Lunch is usually a green smoothie which is blended fruit (mango) and green veges like spinach. Then a salad at 3pm latest. No meat, no dairy, no bread. She sais she drinks no free water. It all comes from raw foods. She does 1 sometimes 2 bikram classes a day.

    Post count: 6

    Hello Everyone

    … I too have lost my motivation. I started going to a variety of yoga and pilate classes a little less than a year ago. I fell in love, my favorite being Hot Yoga. I was not working at the time, and attended 2 different classes a day. However I had to return to work and back to my own city. I found a Hot Yoga studio with a fabulous instructor and imediately started up again going once a day 5 days a week. Obstacles started preventing me from attending my practice regularly and next thing you know I am having a hard time going at all. I love Yoga… Love feeling so fresh and alive,,, HELP!!! Why can’t I get back into my routine ,,,:-/

    Thank you in advance for your suggestions

    Post count: 20

    seems like you are swinging between extremes…try just going twice a week.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Shelley

    How many times a week are you going? How do you decide how you’ll go? The circumstances around your decision making process could be important.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 6

    Hi Gabrielle …

    I work evenings, to I usually go to the 10am class 4-7 times a week, I decide by listening to my body. I just get out of bed and go, I don’t really think about it.

    Before christmas I became over welmed with all that I needed to do, had company coming to stay. During christmas I ended up getting sick, cold/flu turned into sinus infection. I haven’t fully recovered.

    I usually have my yoga cloths and matt ready in the evening, I drive over arriving 15-30 min early.

    Thank You

    Post count: 6

    Happy Happy Happy … I went to yoga this morning… almost went through the entire standing series and started to feel nauesus and dizzy as we reached standing bow pose… so I layed down in corpes pose and tried my best. Exited for tomorrow mornings class …. YEAH!!!!!

    Post count: 6

    Yes! I attended yoga class again this morning … my daughter in law joined me for the first time, she did amazing and loved it.
    Looking forward to tomorrow …
    Thank you Everyone

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Woo hoo! Hi Shelley

    You found your yoga mojo just by acknowledging your problem and getting it out there. It’s all YOU!

    Good for you

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 67

    Yes! I attended yoga class again this morning … my daughter in law joined me for the first time, she did amazing and loved it.
    Looking forward to tomorrow …
    Thank you Everyone

    It’s wonderful when you can have someone to go to class with you. A friend of mine just started and we now have an agreement to both go to the 6am classes on tuesdays and thursdays. That feeling that you’d be letting someone else down if you didn’t show up can be very motivating as well as just focusing on the benefits you get from it and reminding yourself that you want it! 🙂

    Congrats and I’m glad to hear you are enjoying it!

    Post count: 6

    Thanks Connie

    Yes for some reason, having a buddy to attend classes makes it so much eaiser. Love all the benifits from yoga, adding a buddy is one more benefit, the friendship and company is fabulous. Wow!! 6am classes … nice way to start your day. I wish you and your friend the best, look forward to hearing from you again.

    Yes I love my yoga practice..

    Post count: 6

    Gabrielle…Yes .. I did and bringing my daughter in law is a double WOOHOO…

    Thank you

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